巴赫和多伊奇(1970)说明在关系的早期发生的欺骗,用“将”和“卡罗。”These two people have had a couple of dates, like each other, and are trying hard to please and impress the other. After a fun day at the beach and a romantic dinner, Will asks Carol to stay overnight at his place. She agrees. But after a long drive home, both are very tired, have sunburns, and need to go to work early in the morning. Actually, both would rather go home tonight and set aside a特别晚上第一次做爱。然而,他们正在推行自己的需要请留下深刻印象,欺骗对方。每一个假设(不要求)另一个角。每个想要给人的印象,他/她也高度性。事实是,两者都是关心他们的性的充分性。
因为不能说“让我们等待,”将和卡罗在一起性交。他们彼此正确的一句话:“我爱你”,“你太棒了,”“是的,我来了,”“你是一个真正的男人,”“你有个很棒的身体,”等等。但在性爱中,他们想:“我太累了,”“我感觉痛苦,”“他会认为我是寒冷的,”“我不能保持这个,我希望她来了不久,”“我的上帝,她想要更多!”等等。会有高潮和卡罗尔假货。后告诉对方,那是多么美妙的享受啊(希望其他准备睡觉的时候),他们努力后深情,并提供一个小游戏。这将导致更多的性交都要和这两个假高潮。他们不诚实。经验比可能是更令人满意。通过假装,他们设定一个高性标准兑现在未来,他们增加了他们自己的感受性不足。如果和卡罗尔并不会获得足够坦率地说,他们会变得紧张和愤怒。 Their relationship may be headed for trouble.
后来在婚姻中一个常见的抱怨是“我不是足够的做法。”But Masters, Johnson and Kolodny (1985) say frequency is almost never the issue. What is the problem then? The complainer may feel neglected or lonely or that something is wrong with the relationship. The partner being complained about may be anxious at work, upset about adding weight, disgusted with his/her lover, or depressed. The tasks of a couple who "ain't gettin' enough" are to recognize what the real underlying problems are, talk about solving those problems, and express loving concern for each other. The freer one can talk to his/her lover about sex and other concerns, the better the sex will be (Levin, 1975). Many books discuss intimacy and communication in marriage (Gottman, Notarius, Gonso, & Markman, 1976; Rubinstein & Shaver, 1982b; Rubin, 1983). Below are guidelines for communicating about sex:
忘记男人应该主动的观念,男人负责制造性好,女人只是躺在那里,让人做一些事情来让她感觉很好。这些都是过时的维多利亚时代的想法。所以想法是:“一个人从来没有得到足够的”或“最女人想要被爱,但并不真正感兴趣的性。”The best sexual adjustment (80% satisfied) is achieved when each spouse takes the lead equally often. When the initiative is one-sided, only 66% are satisfied (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983). A wonderful aphrodisiac is an excited, active partner.
尽量避免负面思考合作伙伴,特别是提防你的问题归咎于别人。例子:“我可能有一个高潮,如果他是一个更好的情人。”"If he loved me, he'd take more time, whisper sweet nothings in my ear, and massage my back." "If she loved me and wasn't such a prude, she'd play with my penis a lot." "He/she never wants sex, he/she must have a problem (gay/lesbian,他/她的身体感觉不足,惭愧)。”The stereotypes and negative thinking frequently hide our own feelings of inadequacy: "It's not my fault, he/she is the one to blame." You need to understand what is really going on.
员工,h .(2021年12月31日)。谈论性,HealthyPlace。检索2023年1月19日从//www.5wetown.com/sex/good-sex/talking-about-sex