

如果父母不进入孩子的世界,而是要求他或她进入他们的接触,产生的损害可以持续一生。在“Voicelessness:自恋,”我提出了一种成年人的反应在儿童时期经历过这种情况:他们不断尝试使用漏水的“自我”。However, different temperaments spawn different adjustments: some children, by their very nature, are incapable of aggressively seeking attention. If no one is entering their world, they unconsciously employ a different strategy. They diminish their voice, make as few demands as possible, and bend themselves like a pretzel to fit their parents world.



一些成为温柔、敏感,non-assuming成年人。他们也慷慨和爱心,经常为慈善机构做志愿者,动物收容所等等。经常他们觉得别人的疼痛就好像是自己的,并饱受内疚,如果他们不能在某种程度上缓解这种痛苦。许多似乎脚尖的房间。不幸的是这些品质也允许他们被其他人使用和滥用,因为他们无法停止给没有感觉他们是坏或不值得。有一个安全的“地方”,提供他人的情感需求不可避免地编织在一起。如果他们不提供,他们觉得他们不再是任何人的世界的一部分,和他们没有价值。他们的自尊是完全依赖于回应他人的需要。在极端的情况下,他们的“voicelessness”是如此完整,所以消费,这些“小声音”沉默了很长一段时间。这并不是一种被动攻击行为(如经常被建议),甚至退出关系。 Unless asked direct questions, they simply can't think of anything to say. "What do you want?" (now, this week, this year, during your lifetime) is impossible for them to answer. Early in their childhood they stopped wanting because no one paid any attention to their wishes. Their place in life was to know what everyone else wanted--this is the only place they felt comfortable and unthreatened.


“小声音”是自恋的两极对立。前放弃所有的“声音”,而后者咽下去了。当两个匹配关系,物理和情感虐待的可能性很高。家庭暴力案件往往涉及“小声音”和“自恋”。Yet, the under-entitlement of "little voices" and over-entitlement of narcissists are both methods of adapting to the same phenomenon: childhood "voicelessness." Interestingly, the same voice-depriving family can produce "little voices" and "narcissists." Why is this so? Genetic factors probably play the biggest role. Narcissism requires aggression, "little voice," passivity. Birth order may also count: if one child strives aggressively for family resources, it is that much harder for the next in line to compete using a similar method.

在这篇文章中,我已经讨论了极端情况下的“小声音。”But in fact, many of the people who come to see me share, at least to some extent, the experience of "little voice." They have unconsciously diminished their presence in order to find a niche in their family and a place in the world. To be seen and heard, they feel they must take care of, or bend around, others. Luckily, "little voices" can be helped. The healing process requires a therapist who understands the historical roots of the problem and is capable of developing a client's "voice" through a genuine, empathic relationship.



员工,h .(2008年11月25日)。小声音,HealthyPlace。检索2023年4月8日从//www.5wetown.com/self-help/essays-on-psychology-and-life/little-voices


