



戴尔的第一个询盘是我以任何方式与政府或有关他的前雇主。他似乎不放心我的消极反应。他的眼睛我怀疑,坚持我通知他如果事情变化和我做纠结他的迫害者。为什么我无偿对待他?他怀疑一些别有用心的背后我的利他主义和令人费解的慷慨。我向他解释,我一个月社区捐赠25小时。“这对你的形象很好,给你访问当地的权贵,我敢打赌。”- - - - - -he retorts, accusingly. He refuses to allow me to tape record our conversation.

我设置一些边界提醒他治疗他,不是我。他点头:这都是一个复杂的计划的一部分,“征服”他并将他“在公司控制下”。“他们”为什么要这样做呢?因为他知道太多,暴露欺诈、谎言和欺骗在最高的地方。他所做的这一切都从他的地位在直辖市卫生工作者吗?——我问。他显然生气:“有更多的秘密比在美国中央情报局在人们的垃圾!”- - - - - -he exclaims - "You think that your academic degree makes you more clever than I am or somehow superior to me?"

我提醒他,治疗或多或少的妻子强加给他的。她是一个“人”吗?他窃笑着说。好吗?“是的,”——他肆虐——“他们也要她。她曾经是站在我这一边。”His phones are tapped, his mail intercepted and inspected, there was a mysterious fire in his apartment only days after he complained against a senior law enforcement officer. Wasn't it the antiquated television set that burst into flames? "If you care to believe such nonsense." - he eyes me with pity.

上次他和朋友出去吗?他认为很难想出一个答案:“四年前。”Why so long? Is he a recluse by nature? Not at all, he is actually gregarious. So, why the social isolation? Part of his defense. You never know when something you have said in company will be used against you. His so-called friends have been asking him too many intrusive questions lately. They insisted on meeting in new venues at odd times and he got suspicious.

那么,什么是他独自在家干什么?他苦涩地笑:“不会他们喜欢知道我的下一个举动!”He isn't going to give them the pleasure of evincing his strategy. All he is willing to say is that "they" will pay dearly for having underestimated him and for having turned his life "into a long nightmare in hell". Who are "they"? His superiors at the sanitary department. They reassigned him to a dangerous part of town, working night shifts, effectively demoting him from team foreman to "common janitor". He will never forgive them. But wasn't this a temporary arrangement owing to manpower shortages? "That's what they said at the time"- he admits reluctantly.

会话结束时他坚持检查我的电话插孔的中我的桌子上。“你越小心越好。”- - - - - -he half apologizes.





