
摘录自恋的档案列表Table of Contents


Listowner: Dr. Sam Vaknin

Click on the title to go to the relevant section of the index:

Narcissism The Pathology

存档1 Excerpt 5:Epidemiology of Narcissism
存档1 Excerpt 13:Self Defeating and Self Destructive Behaviors
存档1 Excerpt 16:The vocations of Narcissist
存档1 Excerpt 17:Lazy Narcissists
存档2 Excerpt 3:Narcissistic Identity
存档2 Excerpt 4:Narcissists, Right and Wrong
存档2 Excerpt 6:Narcissists have Tables of Emotional Resonance
存档2 Excerpt 7:Contradictory Behaviors of Narcissists
存档2 Excerpt 10:Narcissists and Manipulation
存档3 Excerpt 1:Narcissists and Chemical Imbalances
存档3 Excerpt 7:NPD and Dual Diagnoses
存档3 Excerpt 9:From "Narcissism and the Search for Interiority" by Donald Kalsched
存档4 Excerpt 3:Narcissistic Self Absorption
存档5 Excerpt 3:Narcissism as Self-definition
存档5 Excerpt 6:Devaluing the Significant Other
存档5 Excerpt 7:Should the Narcissist be Held Accountable for his Actions?
存档5 Excerpt 13:The Internalized Voice of the Narcissist
存档6 Excerpt 1:Narcissists and Ego Dystony
存档6 Excerpt 8:Degrees of Narcissism
存档6 Excerpt 14:Unified Dysfunction Theory
存档7 Excerpt 4:The Enemy
存档7 Excerpt 6:Narcissists as Drug Addicts
存档7 Excerpt 7:一个lexander Lowen
存档7 Excerpt 15:Narcissistic Myths
存档8 Excerpt 1:Do Infants Trigger their Own Abuse?
存档8 Excerpt 4:Superego
存档8 Excerpt 7:The Human Machine
存档8 Excerpt 8:Conscience
档案9摘录3:Inverted Narcissism
存档10 Excerpt 1:The Exposure of the Narcissist
存档10 Excerpt 3:Narcissists, Disagreements and Criticism
存档10 Excerpt 4:Unresolved Conflicts
存档10 Excerpt 10:Fortress Narcissism
存档10 Excerpt 11:Inverted Narcissists
存档11 Excerpt 1:The Productive Narcissist
存档11 Excerpt 8:Self Confidence and Real Achievements
存档12 Excerpt 1:The Narcissist and Total Institutions
存档12 Excerpt 3:The Denial Mechanisms of the Narcissist
存档12 Excerpt 5:Traumas and Personality Disorders
存档12 Excerpt 8:The Narcissist a Gift to Humanity
存档12 Excerpt 10:Forms of Aggression
存档12 Excerpt 11:Narcissist the Sadist
存档12 Excerpt 12:Somatic versus Cerebral Narcissists
存档13 Excerpt 1:The Formation of a Narcissist as a Reaction to His Narcissistic Parents
存档13 Excerpt 3:Narcissism The Individualist's Reaction
存档14 Excerpt 1:一个busive Parents
存档14 Excerpt 3:Narcissistic Regression versus NPD
存档14 Excerpt 8:Narcissism and Genetics
存档15 Excerpt 1:Money and the Narcissist
存档15 Excerpt 6:Sexual Abuse
存档17 Excerpt 4:Narcissism as an Adaptive Strategy
存档17 Excerpt 5:The Zombie Narcissist
存档18 Excerpt 2:Narcissism is an Addiction
存档18 Excerpt 4:Emotional Investment in Pathology and Healing
存档18 Excerpt 5:The Emergence of the True Self
存档18 Excerpt 6:Bonding with "God"
存档18 Excerpt 7:Group Sex as seen by the Narcissist
存档18 Excerpt 8:Overt and Covert
存档19 Excerpt 2:Hating Love
存档19 Excerpt 5:Cognitive Distortions and the Narcissist
存档19 Excerpt 6:Sexual versus other forms of Abuse
存档19 Excerpt 7:The Narcissist and his Dead Ones
存档20 Excerpt 1:There is no Goal
存档20 Excerpt 2:Inverted Narcissists Once More
存档20 Excerpt 3:Losing Control
存档20 Excerpt 10:The Pleasures of the Somatic Narcissist
存档21 Excerpt 1:Narcissistic Healing through LOVE or through PAIN?
存档21 Excerpt 4:Inverted Narcissists ARE Narcissists
存档21 Excerpt 6:Fulfilling Others' Dreams
存档22 Excerpt 4:Narcissists and Control
存档22 Excerpt 6:Is Narcissism Learned? Can it be Unlearned?
存档23 Excerpt 2:Vindictive Narcissists
存档23 Excerpt 4:The Good Enough Mother
存档24 Excerpt 1:The Restrained Narcissist
存档24 Excerpt 9:Narcissism
存档24 Excerpt 10:一个ddicted
存档24 Excerpt 11:False Self
存档24 Excerpt 12:Worth and Grandiosity
存档27 Excerpt 1:Types of Narcissists
存档28 Excerpt 2:Eye Contact
存档28 Excerpt 3:Narcissism Forming
存档28 Excerpt 5:More about the False Self and the True Self
存档30 Excerpt 4:Narcissists ARE Appearances
存档30 Excerpt 7:The Rational Narcissist
存档31 Excerpt 1:Euphoria and Dysphoria
存档31 Excerpt 3:On the Move
存档31 Excerpt 5:N-magnets a Bad Metaphor
存档31 Excerpt 6:Ideas of Reference
存档33 Excerpt 1:Mirror Gazing
存档33 Excerpt 2:More on the Grandiosity Gap
存档33 Excerpt 3:Self-Awareness and Healing
存档33 Excerpt 4:Narcissistic Vulnerability
存档34 Excerpt 2:When can a Classic Narcissist become an Inverted Narcissist?
存档34 Excerpt 3:The Forms of Abuse
存档34 Excerpt 4:The Psychopath and the Narcissist
存档34 Excerpt 7:一个melioration of Narcissism
存档34 Excerpt 8:Inside, Outside
存档35 Excerpt 2:Can Narcissists be Helped by Hypnosis?
存档35 Excerpt 3:Predicting the Narcissist
存档36 Excerpt 2:Pathological Narcissism Under-diagnosed

Narcissists and their Emotions

存档2 Excerpt 1:一个Letter to a Narcissist
存档3 Excerpt 8:Narcissists imitating Emotions
存档4 Excerpt 5:PDs and Self-Mourning
存档4 Excerpt 9:Self Pity and Grief
存档5 Excerpt 2:Pathological Envy
存档5 Excerpt 4:Narcissistic Ups and Downs
存档5 Excerpt 9:Narcissists put on a show regarding their "emotions"?
存档6 Excerpt 11:I am Very Sad
存档7 Excerpt 2:My Shame
存档8 Excerpt 5:Emotional Daltonism
存档11 Excerpt 9:Communicating Emotions
存档11 Excerpt 10:Possessive Jealousy
存档13 Excerpt 4:Somatizing Our Emotions
存档13 Excerpt 5:The "Love" of the Narcissist
存档14 Excerpt 2:Hatred and Anger
存档16 Excerpt 3:Narcissists Feel Deceitful
存档17 Excerpt 6:Imitated Empathy
存档17 Excerpt 7:Narcissism and Self Loathing
存档17 Excerpt 9:The Deception that is the Narcissist
存档21 Excerpt 3:Being IN LOVE and LOVING
归档21摘录7:Not to Feel Anything
存档23 Excerpt 5:Vindicating One's Self Loathing
存档25 Excerpt 1:Resistance is Futile?
存档25 Excerpt 4:Fight!
存档25 Excerpt 7:Falling in Love with Ourselves
存档26 Excerpt 4:一个ggression
存档26 Excerpt 5:To Live and to Grieve
存档26 Excerpt 6:一个nticipatory Panic
存档26 Excerpt 7:My Warden
存档26 Excerpt 8:Love, this Bastard
存档30 Excerpt 1:Narcissists are Never Happy
存档30 Excerpt 3:Being Embarrassed
存档30 Excerpt 6:People are Tired
存档32 Excerpt 4:爱的and Believing that You Love

Narcissists and their Supply Sources

存档1 Excerpt 1:为什么自恋者贬低他的瑞士的来源吗ndary narcissistic supply?
存档5 Excerpt 8:Narcissists Getting Tired of their Sources of Supply
存档6 Excerpt 12:The Narcissistic Hunt
存档6 Excerpt 15:Humbling Oneself
存档10 Excerpt 2:Could Negative Input be Narcissistic supply?
存档10 Excerpt 5:The Narcissist wants to be liked?
存档10 Excerpt 6:Old Sources of Narcissistic Supply (NS)
存档14 Excerpt 5:Deleting Past Sources of Narcissistic Supply
存档17 Excerpt 8:In Pursuit of Narcissistic Supply
存档24 Excerpt 3:Myself as a Source of Narcissistic Supply to Others, or: The Existence of Others
存档24 Excerpt 5:Is there an Ideal Source of Supply?
存档24 Excerpt 8:You are a Source of Supply
存档29 Excerpt 2:Human Supply
存档32 Excerpt 2:From Desperation to Happiness
存档32 Excerpt 3:Internal Combustion and External Propulsion
存档32 Excerpt 5:The Art of Un-Being
存档32 Excerpt 6:The Narcissist's Refrigerator

Narcissists in Therapy

存档1 Excerpt 2:Narcissistic Mental Health Professionals
存档1 Excerpt 4:NPD Treatments SSRI
存档1 Excerpt 9:Cultural Sensitivity of Therapists
存档1 Excerpt 11:Psychodynamic versus Cognitive-Behavioral Treatments
存档1 Excerpt 14:Narcissism not curable?
存档3 Excerpt 7:NPD and Dual Diagnoses
存档4 Excerpt 8:Psychodynamic Therapies
存档5 Excerpt 10:Narcissists Facing their Diagnosis
存档6 Excerpt 7:Narcissists and Group Therapy
存档7 Excerpt 1:Can Narcissists be Cured?
存档11 Excerpt 11:Pessimism versus Realism in the Treatment of Narcissists
存档12 Excerpt 4:Therapy
存档12 Excerpt 6:Narcissists and Medication
存档12 Excerpt 13:The Narcissist and the Therapist
存档24 Excerpt 6:Destruction and Construction
存档26 Excerpt 9:Going to Therapy
存档26 Excerpt 10:Official Psychology and NPD

How to Cope with a Narcissist?

存档1 Excerpt 3:How to Cope with a Narcissist
存档3 Excerpt 3:我应该离开他吗?
存档6 Excerpt 15:Humbling Oneself
存档7 Excerpt 3:Luring a Narcissist
存档15 Excerpt 2:Treating your Narcissist
存档15 Excerpt 4:What to tell your Narcissist?
存档19 Excerpt 4:Leaving a Narcissist
存档20 Excerpt 5:How to Assuage a Narcissist
存档21 Excerpt 2:The Narcissist in Court
存档31 Excerpt 7:Fighting Back
存档34 Excerpt 9:How does the Narcissist Perceive my Indifference to his Abuse?

Narcissists and Women

存档5 Excerpt 12:Male Narcissists and Women
存档6 Excerpt 6:Narcissists are Misogynists
存档9 Excerpt 4:Narcissists and Women
存档13 Excerpt 6:Misogynism Once More ...
存档26 Excerpt 1:Women

The Narcissist and His Mate / Colleague / Partner / Spouse / Family

存档1 Excerpt 6:Rescue Fantasies
存档1 Excerpt 7:爱的a Narcissist
存档2 Excerpt 2:Narcissists in the Family
存档3 Excerpt 3:我应该离开他吗?
存档3 Excerpt 4:Significant Others, Significant Roles
存档3 Excerpt 6:Humans as Instruments
存档4 Excerpt 4:Narcissists as Friends
存档5 Excerpt 11:Narcissists and Happy Marriages
归档5段16:The Narcissist as Body Snatcher
存档6 Excerpt 2:VoNPD (Victims of NPD)
存档6 Excerpt 3:Surrounded by Inferiors
存档6 Excerpt 4:Narcissists Hurting Others
存档6 Excerpt 12:The Narcissistic Hunt
存档6 Excerpt 13:WHY?
存档6 Excerpt 15:Humbling Oneself
存档7 Excerpt 3:Luring a Narcissist
存档7 Excerpt 5:Victim or Survivor?
存档8 Excerpt 3:Disinterested Narcissists
存档8 Excerpt 12:一个ccusing the Victims
存档9 Excerpt 5:Narcissists and their Ex's
存档9 Excerpt 6:Narcissists Victimize
存档10 Excerpt 7:Hurting Others
存档10 Excerpt 8:Narcissists and Intimacy
存档11 Excerpt 2:一个bandoning the Narcissist
存档11 Excerpt 3:Unloving the Sick or Needy Spouse
存档11 Excerpt 4:Moving On
存档11 Excerpt 5:Inspirational Messages
存档11 Excerpt 6:The Phases of Mourning
存档11 Excerpt 7:Forgiving Enemies, Forgetting Friends
存档12 Excerpt 7:NPD Son
存档12 Excerpt 14:Being Nice to Others
存档13 Excerpt 2:The Test of Archaic Chinese
存档14 Excerpt 4:Narcissists and Abandonment
存档15 Excerpt 2:Treating your Narcissist
存档15 Excerpt 4:What to tell your Narcissist?
存档15 Excerpt 5:Narcissists Hate Happy People
存档16 Excerpt 4:Healing through Hatred
存档18 Excerpt 3:You are not to Blame!
存档19 Excerpt 3:Living with a Narcissist
存档19 Excerpt 4:Leaving a Narcissist
存档20 Excerpt 5:How to Assuage a Narcissist
存档20 Excerpt 6:Don't Kiss Me without Permission
存档20 Excerpt 8:Love as Domination
存档21 Excerpt 8:The Presumption of Understanding the Narcissist A Piece of Irony
存档22 Excerpt 5:Meaningful to Who?
存档23 Excerpt 6:The Narcissist as a Meaningful Other
存档24 Excerpt 7:Punishing Others
存档25 Excerpt 2:Narcissists as Vampires
存档25 Excerpt 3:The Need to be Hopeful
存档25 Excerpt 5:The Narcissist as Predator
存档25 Excerpt 6:Seeking Help
存档26 Excerpt 2:Do not be Afraid
存档26 Excerpt 11:爱的Narcissism
存档27 Excerpt 3:Love
存档27 Excerpt 4:It is not What you DO
存档27 Excerpt 5:You know what you have to DO
存档27 Excerpt 6:Presumptions
存档27 Excerpt 7:Humanizing the Beast
存档28 Excerpt 4:The Human Maelstroms
存档28 Excerpt 6:Detoxifying
存档30 Excerpt 2:The Off-Handed Narcissist
存档30 Excerpt 5:Personal Incompatibility
存档31 Excerpt 2:Saying Goodbye
存档31 Excerpt 4:Creating Dependence
存档31 Excerpt 5:N-magnets a Bad Metaphor
存档31 Excerpt 7:Fighting Back
存档32 Excerpt 1:How to Protect my Son from Narcissism?
存档33 Excerpt 5:Narcissists, Violence and Domestic Abuse
存档34 Excerpt 1:Follies a Deux
存档34 Excerpt 6:The Professional Victims
存档35 Excerpt 1:How to Leave a Narcissist
存档35 Excerpt 4:Narcissists and Children

Narcissists in the Workplace

存档2 Excerpt 11:The Narcissist Employer

Narcissism and Historical Figures

存档1摘录8:Hitler and Narcissism
存档1 Excerpt 12:Bill Clinton a Narcissist?

Co-Morbidity (Narcissism with other Mental Health Disorders) and Dual Diagnosis (Narcissism with Substance Abuse)

存档4 Excerpt 1:HPD (Histrionic Personality Disorder) and Somatic NPD
存档4 Excerpt 2:Narcissists and Depression
存档4 Excerpt 6:DID and NPD
存档4 Excerpt 7:NPD and ADHD
存档4 Excerpt 11:BPD, NPD and other Cluster B PDs
存档7 Excerpt 8:NPDs and other PDs
存档7 Excerpt 9:Incest without Sex?
存档7 Excerpt 10:NPD and DID
存档7 Excerpt 11:Plasticity
存档8 Excerpt 2:Narcissism, Wife Beating and Alcoholism
存档8 Excerpt 9:BPD and NPD
存档8 Excerpt 10:The Personality Disordered
存档8 Excerpt 11:Robert Hare
存档8 Excerpt 13:Multiple Diagnoses and NPD
存档9 Excerpt 2:Schizotypal Personality Disorder
存档12 Excerpt 9:Co-dependents and Narcissists
存档12 Excerpt 11:Narcissist the Sadist
存档19 Excerpt 1:The Hated-Hating Personality Disordered
存档20 Excerpt 4:The Borderline Narcissist A Psychotic?
存档20 Excerpt 7:The Root of Evil
存档21 Excerpt 5:Masochism and Narcissism
存档22 Excerpt 1:Narcissists and Sexual Perversions
存档22 Excerpt 3:Hysteroid Dysphoria
存档23 Excerpt 7:On the Irrelevance of Labeling
存档27 Excerpt 2:The Inverted Narcissist A Masochist?
存档28 Excerpt 7:NPD, AsPD
存档34 Excerpt 5:The Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM)

Our Narcissistic Culture

存档1 Excerpt 10:NPD, culture and normalcy
存档1 Excerpt 15:Narcissism and Culture
存档1 Excerpt 16:The vocations of Narcissists
存档2 Excerpt 5:In Defense of Narcissists
存档2 Excerpt 8:From "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
存档2 Excerpt 9:Narcissism's Gifts to Humanity
存档3 Excerpt 5:Lasch, the Cultural Narcissist
存档4 Excerpt 10:Should we License Parents?
存档5 Excerpt 1:Jeffrey Satinover on the Myth of Narcissus
存档5 Excerpt 5:Narcissists and the Order of the World
存档6 Excerpt 5:Narcissists and Art
存档6 Excerpt 9:Narcissism and Evil
存档6 Excerpt 10:Why do Narcissists Exist?
存档7 Excerpt 12:一个Core of Values?
存档7 Excerpt 13:Licensing Parents (continued)
存档7 Excerpt 14:Nations as Patients
存档8 Excerpt 6:一个theism
存档9 Excerpt 1:Love and Sex
存档10 Excerpt 9:Personality Disorders are Culture-Dependent?
存档12 Excerpt 2:The Cultural Roots of one Narcissist
存档12 Excerpt 15:Prostituting our Selves
存档14 Excerpt 7:Narcissism and Nihilism
存档15 Excerpt 7:Punishing Evil
存档15 Excerpt 8:Psychology
存档18 Excerpt 1:Linear Time, Cyclical Time
存档18 Excerpt 9:Oh, God
存档23 Excerpt 3:Narcissistic Thoughts about Humanity
存档36 Excerpt 1:Politicians as Narcissists

Sam Vaknin, NPD

存档3 Excerpt 2:Personal Anecdote
存档3 Excerpt 10:Sam Vaknin, NPD
存档5 Excerpt 14:My Role in the List
存档5 Excerpt 15:This Paradoxical List...
存档6 Excerpt 11:I am Very Sad
存档6 Excerpt 16:The Time before Narcissism
存档7 Excerpt 2:My Shame
存档14 Excerpt 6:Realizations
存档15 Excerpt 3:Forgetting my Self
存档16 Excerpt 1:Self Destructing Narcissists
存档16 Excerpt 2:The Fear of Being Loved
存档17 Excerpt 1:Interview with a Narcissist
存档17 Excerpt 2:一个nother One ... (Interview)
存档17 Excerpt 3:Email Exchange in preparation for an interview granted to Bob Goodman of "Natterbox"
存档20 Excerpt 9:My Guardian Angel
存档22 Excerpt 2:I Hate Birthdays
存档23 Excerpt 1:Interview at Amazon UK
存档24 Excerpt 2:一个bout Myself (what else?)
存档24 Excerpt 3:Myself as a Source of Narcissistic Supply to Others, or: The Existence of Others
存档24 Excerpt 4:Right Now I am Enraged
存档26 Excerpt 3:The Information Addict
存档28 Excerpt 1:The Digital Narcissist (SEX)
存档29 Excerpt 1:Here you are, Madam
存档29 Excerpt 2:Human Supply
存档29 Excerpt 3:The Time of the Narcissist
存档29 Excerpt 4:一个buse
存档29 Excerpt 5:Success
存档29 Excerpt 6:Rejection
存档35 Excerpt 5:Why do I Write Poetry?
存档36 Excerpt 3:Interview The Narcissist as an Author
存档37 Excerpt 1:一个pplication to the Media
存档37 Excerpt 3:Second Interview with Amazon
存档37 Excerpt 4:Interview to JustViews
存档37 Excerpt 5:Revisiting Myself
存档37 Excerpt 6:Interview to Independent Success!
存档38 Excerpt 1:Interview with Babel Magazine
存档39 Excerpt 1:Interview with Inscriptions Magazine
存档39 Excerpt 2:Correspondence with the New York Times
存档39 Excerpt 3:采访写作技巧
存档41 Excerpt 1:Interview with New York Press
存档41 Excerpt 2:Interview with Modern Author

next:Born Aliens

一个PA Reference
Vaknin, S. (2008, December 2). Excerpts from the Archives of the Narcissism List Table of Contents, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2023, April 27 from //

Last Updated: July 5, 2018

Medically reviewed byHarry Croft, MD

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