- 检查并复检电灯开关、门、燃气燃烧器等。
- 洗衣服(甚至把钱扔进马桶里,因为它被污染了)
- 对死亡的恐惧,然后是对睡眠的恐惧
- 害怕汽车和火车的烟雾,害怕中毒(我会带着我的一加仑水去上班)等等。
强迫症让我丢了工作和婚姻。我从来没有去寻求过帮助,直到我患上了严重的恐慌症——我在一次聚会上出现了一些奇怪的压力反应,事情变得越来越糟。我已经到了不能工作,不能出门的地步,等等。我一个同事的妻子是医生,她说服我去找一位心理医生,当她患上严重的产后抑郁症时,她去找了一位心理医生。那时候(5年半以前)我没有选择——我睡不着,出不了门,等等。我去找他,参加了一个认知行为疗法的项目,药物治疗,还有非常重要的,冥想。冥想是关键。当我经历了最严重的恐慌症时,我开始冥想——我一直知道,从我读到的东西来看,冥想会对我有帮助,但我从未尝试过。当我开始的时候,我开始做藏传佛教和禅宗佛教的冥想。我也一直在读《奇迹课程》这本书,这本书对我很有吸引力,因为它是禅宗的东西,用的是我从小就听过的术语(但用的方式非常不同,与我的无神论/不可知论思想是同步的)。 Anyway, I felt that I had hit rock bottom and got into the meditation very strongly. I decided to use the Course in Miracles because I didn't have access to a Zen teacher and felt that its structure was good. I also stayed with the 100 mg Zoloft that the psychologist put me on. And I also used the cognitive behavior therapy stuff -- I would carry the notebook around with me and write whatever thoughts were going thru my mind. If they were distressful, I would write every single thing that was going on and continue until finding a resolution. I found that the writing helped me to become more aware of my thoughts which helped with the meditation. What was so helpful with the meditation was that it chipped away at my ego. I didn't ever want to go back to the panic disorder days so ... I would always make time for the meditation, writing and morning relaxation stuff (I bought these tapes on Panic Disorder from Pathway Systems). I also didn't care who knew (I had lived my life in fear of anyone knowing my weaknesses that I finally decided to be strong by not caring who knew). I made sure to always be open with people about things that I was feeling and, if I was having a problem with them, to help them help me to resolve it. The meditation stuff also helped me to forgive people -- very important for me because I held lots of stuff against people and would indulge many negative and victim-oriented perceptions. By looking at the ego (which is what Zen and any other similarly-based spirituality has you do), I also would b gentler with myself -- not feel guilty or like I failed if I had 'ego outbursts' or entertained negative perceptions of myself or others. I would, however, try and not let my mind go down the typical roads of negative thinking and negative fantasizing whenever I could. The meditation helped me not to lessen my attachments to people and things -- especially my perception of who I was.
不幸的是,我的心理医生死了。我去了另一家学校,住了几个月,然后觉得我还行。不幸的是,我变得有点懒惰和自满,让工具(冥想,写作)滑动。我又开始非常依恋我的自我概念,害怕失去它——这一点冥想帮助很大。当我回顾强迫症发作时,其中许多都涉及到与身份和自我丧失有关的难以置信的恐惧(这就是为什么我曾经经历了一段可怕的时间,被死亡的恐惧所吞噬)。我最近有一些强迫症发作,在某种程度上,它们与害怕失去自我有关。我一直在使用一些有用的技巧,比如“思维中断”。我仍然在服用100毫克的左洛复,我认为这能帮助我避免陷入似乎无止境的强迫症思维循环。我知道认真地应用冥想的东西是必要的,但我只投入了一部分。在我的脑海中浮现的是《禅宗三柱》这本书中的思想,以及我参加禅修时一位禅师的思想。 The book describes people's enlightenment experiences -- after having had some minor experiences during meditation, I know that what they experienced is real and would be the end of suffering. The Zen teacher told us that we all think that we're this 'bag of skin' -- that we're this limited self identified by this ego consciousness, etc. And that an experience of what we are as we 'really are' would end suffering.