夏天来了,那个美好的时光,那时学校已经成为遥远的记忆,无尽的阳光和沙滩摆在面前:九月,回归书本和规则,一种模糊的不适在地平线上的某个地方。10岁的时候,我是夏天里最大的孩子;几个家庭的孩子的假期会重叠。夏天的朋友。我们在那些慵懒的夏日里做着孩子们会做的事情。探索海滩和森林,建造堡垒和树屋,游泳:总是游泳。我们在大湖冰冷的海水中游泳,直到冷得无法忍受,我们会跑回海滩,钻进滚烫的沙子里。下面的沙子被上面的太阳温暖着,像茧一样的温暖很快驱走了我们身上的寒冷。你可以感觉到水从你的身体在风中蒸发,伴随着颤抖。有时你会感到风踢着沙子的刺痛。 Always wind and always the sound of wind, the waves rolling on shore, the leaves in the birches and the ash trees playing harmony: The cries of the gulls as they slid on the currents of air, a counterpoint. Running back into the water our yells joined those of the gulls. Perfect memories.
事情就发生在这样的一天。那是晚饭后,我还能感觉到我衣服的那种安全舒适的感觉。我坐在壁炉前,烤着棉花糖。大人们在我身后谈论着大人们谈论的话题,我看着棉花糖变成金黄色,一边想着那几乎太甜的味道,一边尽力不让它们着火。生活很美好,我很快乐,世界充满了可能性,然后,在一个短暂的瞬间,世界改变了,我身后的一个成年人对我说了句话。他们说:“你坐在那里就像撒旦。”这是一个无辜的评论,在当时很有趣,棉花糖叉子确实看起来像一个小干草叉。当我坐在那里看着烤棉花糖和炉火时,我开始思考撒旦、地狱和永恒。就在那一刻,我生平第一次感到了一种执念开始时的冰冷冰冷的感觉。我不知道那是什么,但当我坐在那里思索永恒,地狱中的永恒时,我感到了那种恐惧,那种活生生的恐惧,它将成为我永远的伴侣。 It started small, Hell is a frightening thing to think of, and I thought about all those things the nun's had taught me about hell. And then I started thinking about eternity. Eternity, on and on with no end, forever, that thought was even more frightening. No end? I couldn't get a handle on that, I couldn't understand it and it terrified me. Then I started thinking about heaven and eternity and I felt the same fear. The fear grew as I thought, "What if I went to hell and my mother didn't?" Or if someone I loved went to hell and I went to heaven? Within minutes my safe secure world was gone and I was trapped in this nightmare that I couldn't find my way out of. The thoughts just kept going around and around. I didn't sleep that night, I couldn't. The next day was another beautiful summer day, just like the day before, and I did all the things we did on those summer days, but the thoughts were there. I could push them back while playing but if I stopped for even a moment, I could feel the cold of the fear. That night, as I lay in bed, the nightmare was alive and growing. I could not stop the thoughts and that frightened me. That became the pattern of my life; I would be Ok during the day but was always in this shadow, at night as I lay in bed the terror took over. Soon I began to fear going to bed. Eventually I was able to find some relief, momentary and fleeting, in going to church and to confession. Though now I feared heaven as much as hell. If I had no choice about eternity, I thought, then better heaven then hell. Night after night I prayed the rosary. If I didn't pray I would not get to sleep. I had to be good enough to get to heaven. I tried, for endless hours to think my way out, to use logic but those concepts were too big, too imperfectly understood by my 10-year-old mind for that to work but I found comfort in trying. Trying to think my way clear became part of the ritual. Prayer and thinking, night after night and filled with a fear that even then I knew was not normal. That something was wrong, that something was wrong with me. I couldn't bring myself to talk with anyone and suffered this alone and in silence. If only I could think the right thoughts I would be Ok. After a full year of this it stopped as suddenly as it had started.