斯科特,l .(2014年3月16日)。抑郁症可以消耗你的生活,HealthyPlace。检索2023年6月19日从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/copingwithdepression/2014/03/depression-is-draining
我失去了我的生活。我想到自杀24/7过去两年。我想结束我的生命,但我总是在最后一刻退出。挂是非常痛苦的,我感觉我要吸入我的胃的内容。治疗和药物并没有帮助。我真的不想去。我不想证明我为什么有这样的感觉,或得到帮助。我想解脱。我希望有人帮我事情和平结束。我不想伤害到任何一个有残酷的退出。 Why can't society understand this? I have not wanted to go on living for almost two years. I'm not afraid of regretting an early exit, as (obviously), I wouldn't be around to do so. Does anyone else feel this way? It's unbelievably tragic, but that's the way I feel, and realizing this, everyday, is absolute torture. Please someone, tell me I am not alone. That suicide can be a rational decision in the mind of the person who experiences this level of mental anguish, every minute of every day.
我喜欢你的诚实。我有同样的感觉。越多,我强迫自己去看精神科医生,并试图继续吃药,它变得越困难。这是永远不会变得更好。唯一有点可以说是让我这是我真的有真正了不起的朋友。5个最好的朋友。他们给我的生活意义。我们都是单身,只有一个除外。我们可以在很多方面联系起来。我认识这些人真的20/30/40年,我们都有我们自己的地狱。 What I pray for is that someone just ONE person comes into your life that if nothing else can just be with you in any situation and just be there. That’s all. You can’t tell your family and psychiatrist you look forward to death. You just can’t. You are labeled as crazy and mental. I’m not a super religious person but I do believe in God and I do have a relationship with Christ. Crazy or not, this is just one of many reasons God sent his Son on our behalf. God knew we could never make it alone, make all the right decisions, be a sinless person as Jesus was. No one would ever measure up. But I promise you He loves you and He is always with you in your darkest moments. Besides Christ, the most beautiful gift we will ever receive is DEATH as a believer. No more pain and suffering to those who believe in Him. It will be our beginning. Not at all our end. How could a life of suffering NOT look forward to that? I haven’t lost all complete faith and trust in people……I have 5!!!!!! I really hope you find some peace. I don’t know you but I love you very much❤️
嗨,布鲁克。你好吗?你还好吗?我有同样的感觉。当我需要动手术,我欢迎镇静剂,让我睡觉。不,我不想醒来。我感觉我迷迷糊糊地睡去,释放痛苦和折磨。我感到安宁。我厌倦了建议,没有人会寻求报复我不断折磨的心理变态狂们在我们的星球上。为什么我想分享我们的星球,意思是,肮脏、自私的人或瘟疫下水道出没的老鼠,老鼠和一些人。 I have thought of suicide since age 6. A violent alcoholic father, then a sex mad male loving mother. Then a using psychopath narcissist fiance of 30 years. Who ran around being a gang bang for any female, who wanted him, secretly behind my back. Not one female cared he was my fianc'e & I am not willing to share. No one even loved me enough to make me a mum. I only attract gay males with trying to taking my money., Or trying for poo jabs from me. I am a female. Or they try to steal our home. Some Very rotten, decay, gold digger maggots, we share this planet with. Even my baby brother was killed in front of me, a drunk, underage driver, hit & run. They tell me I have depression & post traumatic stress syndrome. I wonder why? People still making wars, over 6 billion people on our planet, why? Lots of over egoistic power, money hungry people. I love babies to, however, nobody seems to stop & think? Paradise is shrinking, food is plastic, we are numbers. Greed is pollution. No, there's no room on this planet for I. Media smiles when they report deaths, propaganda chases us for money, our prime minister constantly meddling overseas, some cultures are bossy & overtaking, I don't like their stools either. Oh yeah, we are bullied into leaving the planet . Greed overtakes. I feel there's a lot of takers, a lot of passing the buck & not many who want to work. No, Brooker your not alone in your journey. Too many people only want us as chauffeurs...God Bless, Being Bless & Alien u.f.o. bless...
你好,风笛手。我詹妮弗,当前应对萧条的博客的作者。我很高兴你对我们伸出。首先,请与医疗专业谈论你的感情,如果你还没有这么做。其次,当试图找到你的“一件事”,认为任何东西你喜欢或盼望着做——无论多么小。记得你擅长的事情。对我来说,我想到我是多么享受一定的假期和阅读和写作。我也喜欢烹饪和烘焙,找到那些漂亮的干扰,当我感觉伤害自己。我提醒我自己我的礼物在写作和教学。你也可以找到你的一个或多个理由继续。 Hold on. I know it's dark now, but there are brighter days ahead. Never give up.
死亡的一个所谓的人类! !如何any1其他
+她不是吗?请不要说时间会治愈。它是11年+ im
但在im DEAD.1天我将,那么这些折磨的想法
你好,蒂娜。我詹妮弗,当前应对萧条的博客的作者。首先,我很抱歉关于你的女儿。我知道你在痛苦超出了大多数人的想象。我的心为你疼痛。如果你还没有看过心理医生,这是我的第一个建议。我处理我生命中的损失和创伤,并出席疗法真正为我做了一个巨大的差异。另外,我想提醒你,你活下去的理由就是你。你是有价值的。你是有价值的。 I know there is darkness now, but I promise you there can be light again. Please reach out. Speak with your healthcare provider about what you're feeling. Don't give up.
我是一个中年男子今年50岁,我发现我没有生活了。我只是三年前迁移到一个新的国家,认为这将是一个新的开始对我来说经过17年的工作让自己烧毁的压力咨询世界。前的最后三年,此举是最后一击,我也失去了我的父亲由于反复出现肾功能衰竭。我发现生命是如此的脆弱和无意义的,太多了,太多的伤害,如此多的痛苦和希望渺茫。我搬迁到一个新的国家后,我发现事情并不像我想象的一样好。即使他们是糟糕的,我不能找到一份工作,我说不是享受生活的新国家,并留在寒冷孤独在家每天当我妻子工作和我的两个孩子在学校学习。我发现很难接受这个现实。我知道我应该坚强,感恩和接受现实,继续前进。我试着寻求神的和平、希望和指导,但我找不到我要找的东西。我沮丧和两个世界之间的撕裂回到我以前的生活讨厌或适应新的生活我觉得毫无意义的应对。 I have been taking anti-depressants for 3 years but they are not helping. I am sorry for all my whinings and complaints. I think I need to stop, life is just too much for me and my depression has taken the will to live from me ...
你好瑞恩,我觉得你的痛苦…2014年我被诊断出患有乳腺癌。那时我已经结婚了,两个孩子。我有一个双乳房切除和被告知一切都会好;他们撒了谎……2015 during my breast reconstruction my father was also diagnosed with cancer and died 3 months after he found out. By the end of 2016 the breast cancer was back, this time it came back aggressive. Another surgery, radiation for 3 months, painful injections to force me into menopause. Nine months on those shots I decided that was enough and the doctors removed the remaining organs that made me a woman. I was surgically in menopause with all the side effects that comes with it, hot flashes from hell, severe depression, pschytrist, counseling, medication... nothing worked. I was only 41 when all that started. After 20 years of marriage instead a "hand" to pull me out of the "hole" I got the boot. It only took 2 months for the divorce to be finalized... I'm here now thinking if it is worthy to live. I've been a fighter my whole life, dedicated and sacrificed myself for my family and that what I've gotten at the end. I am glad you are doing fine now, really. I guess I had no more "use" to my family , for them I just a burden... the meds I take for cancer gives osteoporosis, I've just broke my foot ,had surgery again to put plates and pins and best of all, no health insurance... I accept my " challenges " but it's just becoming overwhelming.
我在这里在这个网站上很多。这几乎是难以置信的今天看到所有这些页面的评论和回复。这是非常难过的。我很抱歉为我们所有,希望我们每一个人找到一个理由,让我们度过每一天。我57岁,经历了一个可怕的婚姻,分离,长期药物我们离婚我深深爱着一个人。我唯一深爱的男人。不会有更糟糕的判断,忽视了许多红旗,多年来相信的谎言。自恋者在这个星期一我的母亲将达到93。我没有和她说过话,或者我成年的女儿从我的第一次婚姻近6年的高中。我有三个漂亮的孙女我没有看到在所有时间。 The rest of my family disowned me, I’m on disability for depression and anxiety and was diagnosed with C-PTSD during my separation, divorce and post divorce that I’m sure the judge would have given him my blood if he’d remembered that one last thing. I was discriminated and humiliated and bullied by the court system to where I can’t even drive by the courthouse. I’ve isolated myself to the point it’s desperate that I do leave at times. My ONE THING is my dog. My almost 9 year old Golden Retriever, I’m already worried about losing too soon because two before her died young. I literally get out of bed each day just for her. I let her out and I stare out my back door crying and begging that someone sees my pain and helps and also mortified that someone will. I’ve been so hurt and devastated and destroyed by lies for so long I’m beginning to wonder again if things weren’t all my fault as my ex tried pounding into my head for too many years. I am so lost and empty and unloved that I’ve nobody to list as an emergency contact. I’ve had emergencies where I had no one to call. No one to drive me to the ER when I couldn’t drive. I look at my dogs beautiful face, covered in white now with her years of wisdom as her groomer as so sweetly said before. She is my life. But I also need a human being to hug and hold and touch. I’ve thought so many times of how to end it, but I’m a coward and I can’t make the mistake of messing this last thing up. If I were to try and fail it would be so much worse. My family would see it as a weakness and embarrassment and shame to them. That’s the mother I’ve known all my life. She’s never once asked me how I was when my marriage was falling apart. My home of 24 years in foreclosure because my spouse left and never saw a cent from him again even after the divorce. Contempt of court for maintenance. He threatened me many times with harm if I ever tried to collect. I don’t want to ever see him or hear his voice again. He’s the devil on this earth and the reason my daughter disowned me. We were so close. I was so proud because my own mother and I never were not for a minute. Yet she blamed me for being uncaring and unloving. I honestly don’t think I have any love for my mother and I don’t feel guilt over it. She’s done nothing but say I was a disappointment all of my life to her.
你好,南希。谢谢你花时间去接触。我很抱歉,你正在经历这些痛苦的事情与你的前夫和家人。问问你的卫生保健提供者是否有当地的支持小组,你可以加入。在那里你可以找到那些会鼓励你当你做同样的。我注意到你说你想活下去。我很高兴读到。生活有很多事情,其中之一就是你提到你的狗。还有那些关心你的人。我是其中之一。 Please speak to your doctor about the thoughts you are having and ask him/her for information on support groups. Hold on. You are worth it.
我也失去了我的四个孩子被欺负了他们的生活。他们认为这是我放弃他们! ! !
我不想活了。但我也害怕我的东西! ! !
和“家庭! ! ! !”
我也不想活了,但眼下。我知道我愿意几天后。目前我的我的一个最亲密的表弟妹妹不接受我的兄弟。我用尽了一切方法来劝说她。我试图访问她的旅行3000 +公里的旅程,但她拒绝说话。我已经讨论了一些与我的一个朋友和他建议让她见鬼去吧。其他会说类似的事情,对我笑。
我是当前的“应对萧条”博客的作者。我很高兴你伸出手来,对不起,你有这种感觉。我能真正理解这种感觉,别人不接受你,你可以考虑。考虑一下:你怎么觉得如果你能停止思考这个问题?它会是什么样子这甚至不是一个问题吗?你会感觉更自由吗?更快乐吗?更多的快乐吗?它是不容易的,让这些事情,但是当你想到如何感觉没有负担,有时,这有助于让它走。同时,你能参与什么活动你不去想呢? I would also recommend reaching out to a trusted professional if things don't improve. And, if you are feeling suicidal, please get help immediately.//www.5wetown.com/other-info/suicide/suicide-suicidal-thoughts-and-behaviors-t…
你好,诺埃尔。我的作者之一应对萧条的博客。我很抱歉你感到内疚。我想让你知道你是绝对不是一个失败者。我在去年年初试图自杀,所以我完全理解的痛苦和精神上的痛苦,一个人感觉到达那个点。你现在需要注重现在和未来。你还在这里。你有一个目的。你提到你的婚姻和你的孩子。这是起点。 Since you've retired, look for volunteer opportunities and also take time to discover what your interests are. There are so many possibilities. I encourage you to speak with a professional about your feelings of guilt. While therapy doesn't work for everyone, it has certainly helped me to find ways to cope with my depression and has also given me tools to effectively win the battle over my negative thoughts. I'm glad you reached out here, and I want you to know that it can get better, even if it doesn't seem like it right now.