
Morning Anxiety Causes: Why You Feel Them and What to Do

March 7, 2018Melissa Renzi

Do you wonder what causes your morning anxiety? Discover some causes of morning anxiety and what you can do about it at HealthyPlace. Click for tips to combat the causes of morning anxiety and to sleep better too.

If you’ve ever wondered about the cause of your morning anxiety, you’re definitely not alone. I had only guessed at the reasons I feel anxious when I get up in the wee hours of the morning. But recently, someone asked me for insight into why shefeels anxious in the morninggoing to her workouts. I did a little digging and I want to share some factors that may cause morning anxiety.


There are biological happenings that occur in all of our bodies as we sleep and wake. But the level of anxiety one might feel can largely depend on how these factors are magnified by environmental stressors. Here’s what happens:

  • The cortisol awakening response (CAR):When we transition from rest to a waking state, our bodies producehigher levels of cortisol, one of the body’s stress hormones. The CAR increases cortisol levels by an average of 50 percent. Cortisol levels peak at around 35-45 minutes after waking up.
  • Low blood sugar:When you sleep, your blood sugar level drops due to not eating. Low blood sugar leads to a stress response as well as the body wonders from where its fuel to operate will come.
  • Dehydration:This could be considered an environmental factor. But let’s face it, even if you take a sip of water in the night, our sleep cycle itself limits our ability to adequately hydrate.Dehydrationcan increase your heartbeat and lead to lightheadedness.

Environmental Factors that Can Cause Morning Anxiety

There are environmental factors that can cause morning anxiety too:

  • If you’re already under stress, cortisol levels may shoot up higher as you worry about the day ahead. For example, I tend to wake up more anxious when I have a workshop to teach.
  • Depending on what you’re getting up to do, there may be underlying fear affecting how you feel. For example, if you’re anxious before an early morning flight, is it the morning, thefear of flying, or the stress of the trip? Likewise, it’s common for people to haveanxiety about working out. Every time I’m away from a yoga studio or gym for too long, I feel anxious about returning.
  • Disrupted sleepmakes morning anxiety worse. If my sleep schedule gets erratic, morning anxiety increases.
  • 高糖饮食、咖啡因、酒精、and artificial ingredients can increase anxiety.

What to Do About Morning Anxiety Causes

  • Keep a regular sleep schedule.Whenever possible, go to bed and wake up at the same time routinely. Avoid television, cell phones, or other stimulation before bed.
  • Practicerelaxation techniquesbefore bed and when you get up in the morning.One of my yoga teachers says you should practice meditation before getting into bed and then go to sleep after you’ve relaxed.
  • Keep your cell phone out of your bedroom.I notice a huge difference between waking up to my phone alarm and getting political Facebook notifications versus going straight to my yoga mat to meditate. Get a simple alarm clock with a soft tone.
  • Eat a healthy diet.Limitfoods that can exacerbate anxiety.
  • Hydrate throughout the day.Drink water when you get up and eat a small snack if you’re prone to low blood sugar.
  • Have a soft light in your roomto gradually awaken rather than harsh, bright lighting.
  • Practice the coping skills that work for youif you’re experiencing ongoing anxiety and stress.

As always, if you’re experiencing stress and anxiety that is impairing your daily living, seek professional support from a licensed therapist (What Is an Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety Disorder Definition).

APA Reference
Renzi, M. (2018, March 7). Morning Anxiety Causes: Why You Feel Them and What to Do, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2023, April 27 from //

Author: Melissa Renzi

Roni Gershon
March, 17 2021 at 12:25 pm

I, too, wake up feeling nervous., then it disappears. I had pernicious anemia and was on a monthly b12 injections but a new dr said my b12 was fine and stopped it.
Would it help me to start a b12 regimen again? The nervousness is very debilitating.
How much b12 and how often?
Please help and thank you.

Edoardo Ballanti
May, 9 2018 at 2:02 pm

Thanks for the interesting summary that this post offers.
It combines different etiological factors, and allows us to understand the phenomenon more fully. Without neglecting important aspects and without focusing too much on others, taking the general picture for granted.

Anna Brown
March, 19 2018 at 5:33 pm

I went through a period of having panic attacks before I opened my eyes in the morning. I was living in a very high stress environment and felt it was a result of that. Upon a visit with a naturopath regarding other health challenges, I shared with him these panic attacks that I had every morning. He too brought up the Issue of an over active cortisol spike. He put me on a regime of B12 injections and within 3 days, the panic stopped. I have since transitioned to an oral supplement and have relief from the torture of waking to a new day in a state of panic.

In reply tobyAnonymous (not verified)

March, 20 2018 at 9:43 am

That's pretty remarkable news, Anna! thank you for sharing!

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