

Researchers find there’s some truth to the expression of being “bored to death”. Here are 3 ADHD ways to stave off the Reaper.
Chronic anxiety sufferers can greatly benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Relaxation is a practical coping strategy used to help manage stress in our lives. While taking a hot bath or watching TV can be relaxing, in order to have a noticeable effect on our anxiety we need a regular daily practice of some form of relaxation or meditation. This is important because we need to balance out all of the heightened intense feelings (heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, muscle tension, etc.) our bodies experience when in the fight or flight mode.
I was reading one of the self-injury conference transcripts on HealthyPlace about getting help for self-harm. In it, Dr. Sharon Farber, therapist and author of When The Body Is The Target: Self-Harm, Pain and Traumatic Attachments, discusses her belief that self-injury is an addictive behavior. And it got me thinking, like many addicts, do self-injurers carry on their self-injurious behaviors throughout their lives, do they face relapses over time, and is it something they manage, much like any other addict who fights the urge to return to the bottle or some other addictive substance?
It’s hard to trust my psychiatric nurse. How do you trust someone completely who could turn around and put you in a mental hospital? I used to tell her what was going on with me in small doses. She was on a need to know basis. And, then one day, I began to tell her everything. She constantly tells me that I have a lack of coping skills, but I disagree. It’s not the coping skills that are holding me back. It’s my bipolar disorder.
Our guest, Christie, on how she began self-injuring, how she used self-injury to respond to emotional situations, tools she uses to reduce urges to self-injure.
I began self-injuring at age 13, after I felt like I wasn't understood by anyone and fell into a deep depression (What Is Self-Harm, Self-Injury?). Fights with my parents, having a hard time with school, and general anxiety prompted me to self-injure for the first time, because I felt like it calmed my nerves and alleviated my anger almost instantly. From there, I began using self-injury to respond to almost every emotional situation - be it sad, angry, disappointed, depressed, or general thoughts of self-loathing and body image. I felt like it numbed all of my emotional reactions and I began to depend on it.
I caught the bus on time, but did I catch the right bus? Learning to laugh at our ADHD mistakes helps us keep our self-esteem intact.
Self-empowerment is an important bipolar management tool. More on this bipolar recovery tool on the Bipolar Vida blog.
I've often been asked how I can be so high-functioning as a bipolar. I would say that my number one most useful bipolar management tool is empowerment. I'm talking about self-empowerment in which you believe in yourself. Empowerment, a bipolar management tool, causes you to think positively about bipolar disorder. It doesn't negate all the bad, but it makes you see the good. It's important to see the good. Life can't go on without it.
如果你喝更多的水和更少的咖啡因,你的一个xiety can improve. Learn about the role of caffeine and daily water consumption in anxiety treatment.
Treat your anxiety by drinking more water and less caffeine. Caffeine provokes anxiety and can trigger panic attacks. The research shows a clear correlation between caffeine and anxiety (Nutrition Therapy for Anxiety Disorders).
Low self-esteem caused by ADHD is very common in adults with ADHD.  Learn about adult ADHD and low self-esteem and rebuilding your self-esteem.
One aspect common to many adults with ADHD is low self-esteem. When you live your life making stupid mistakes, falling short of—or forgetting entirely—your goals, or being yelled at by figures of authority, you'll likely be a mess when you reach adulthood. If you haven't learned to laugh off the gaffes, you might either adopt an insouciant attitude over time, or internalize the criticisms. I was of the internalizing variety (Signs of Self-Stigma: Do You Stigmatize Yourself?).
Imagine you are on a beautiful island, surrounded by palm trees, sand, and the soothing sounds of the ocean. How could anyone be anxious in a place like that? Yet, several years ago, when Mr. T and I went on vacation to the beautiful islands of Maui and Kauai, each day began with horrible panic attacks. I was sick the entire trip. Ever since then, I get really bad travel anxiety when traveling far from home.

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Mary-Elizabeth Schurrer
Hi M,

Thank you so much for reaching out. It can be difficult to express that you need help, so this is a courageous and important step you've taken. I am so sorry to hear that you are hurting—I would encourage you to continue seeking out those who can offer you support, resources, and assistance. The HealthyPlace mental health referral page is an excellent place to access more information on organizations and confidential hotline numbers that might be useful to you. Here is a link to the page: // In the meantime, I know it's hard, but please keep reaching out.

Mary-Elizabeth Schurrer
HealthyPlace Comment Moderator
Sharon Nye
It’s been almost a year since I left my abuser and I still can’t find the place where I need to be. I’m so angry at the thought of him walking around like he’s innocent and I’m insane. It’s caused me to have outbursts and push my family away from me. I truly hate him and want him to suffer a slow death!! It sounds awful but I’m a good person and I take care of people for a living. We were together 10 yrs and the last few years were name calling, gaslighting and rape. The authorities didn’t help me at all and I believe that he had a lawyer because I gave them a flash drive, journal entries and dr releases. They didn’t even show him the flash drive. All the evidence was there and they told me there wasn’t enough evidence so that makes me more mad that the police who are supposed to protect us completely failed me. I deserve justice and I believe I won’t heal until he pays for what he did
I've been depressed since I was ten suicidal since 11 and started sh about six months ago (I am 12) I am undiagnosed but pretty sure i have depression and social anxiety. which makes it worse bc i feel like I have no reason to feel this way. my parents are probably mentally and verbally abusive but idk. I am basically raising my four siblings. I just want to die i stopped pretending to be happy and it tore my family apart even more.i used to go to therapy bc of me and my moms relationship but my mom doesn't let me go anymore bc i told them my dad hits me.which was apparently lying. My parent refuse to accept i might not be ok so they " diagnose" me with autism, ocd, adhd, something like defiance disorder. Even if i do have autism or adhd or something my parents can't diagnose me with that. Life has no point anymore at school my friends keep calling me emo and I hate it. Idk what to do anymore. My friend saw blood dripping under the bathroom stall and didn't even care.i wish i never existed and i really just don't know what to do. I almost don't want to feel better idk why. Hiding my sh scars is so hard i want to stop but also not.i feel like i have no friends bc my parents won't let me have even a flip phone and that's how all my friend communicate. I already have plans for suicide i just really need help please help me
I could never get past six or eight months when I was younger but this year I'll be hitting the five years clean from the last time I self-harmed.
I never thought I'd make it this far. I no longer hide my scars, only did so due to family being ashamed. But now I show them, I'm proud over them. I like to show I've came so far since that stage in my life. I've never been embarrassed, I was hurt and needed a release when I self-harmed, I don't see the point of being ashamed over being hurt. I am proud over my five years and I'm praying to reach ten years one day in the future.
I'm actually thinking about celebrating the five year mark, not sure how, but It's a hopeful plan.
I find it hard sometimes explaining to people that I don't actually feel that 'sad' when I'm depressed, I just don't feel much at all, other than tired, lethargic and wanting to be left alone to curl up and sleep most of the time.
Nice to see I'm not the only one who has this. Personally I would rather not feel very much than be hurting. Emotional pain is one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with, and I wouldn't want anyone including myself to feel that way. I realise more and more though that bipolar disorder is unique to the individual, and so many experiences I've read of it differ from my own.
Thanks for the article!