

As I navigate my identity as a demisexual person, I begin to understand the different types of attraction and how I feel about dating. Learn more of my story at HealthyPlace.
I'm demisexual—I'll explain. The first sign that I was on the asexual spectrum was back when I was in middle school. I remember driving in the car with my mom getting annoyed as I listened to the radio. Every song was about sex, love, or drugs. I didn't understand why the themes for music were so narrow. People could sing about anything, yet they would always sing about the same old things. I off-handedly said, "Why is every song about sex? Can't they sing about something else?"
你认识的人有隐藏的抑郁症吗?如果you think that's a silly question, find out what can happen if you don't ask questions. Learn more at HealthyPlace.
People often hide their depression well. We don’t want to worry our loved ones. We fear being judged and stigmatized—even now when mental illness is much better understood and accepted than in decades past. We may see our disease as a weakness, something that we need to tackle alone. Maybe we’re in denial, hiding our depression not only from others but from ourselves.
Leaving verbal abuse behind is not as easy as you think it might be. There are many challenges. Find out what leaving verbal abuse behind might be like at HealthyPlace.
Leaving verbal abuse behind is hard. Verbal abuse can be traumatic for individuals of any age, regardless of how much exposure there is to this harmful behavior. Of course, each person is unique and will react in different ways when facing verbal abuse. These responses can determine how effective it is to leave verbal abuse behind and move toward a healthy and happy life.
Stress can aggravate symptoms of anxiety and schizophrenia, so I've developed ways to avoid stress. Learn how I do it at HealthyPlace.
It's common knowledge that too much stress is bad for our health, but those of us with a mental health diagnosis can face another risk from stress, which is increased symptoms. As part of my self-care or lifestyle monitoring, I try to reduce how much stress I experience daily to manage anxiety and schizophrenia symptoms.
I must pursue balance in my fitness goals because I'm in ED recovery and tempted to exercise constantly. Find out what I'm doing to balance my fitness goals at HealthyPlace.
This year, I started training for a particularly ambitious fitness goal: a 10-day trek in the Himalayan Mountains. In October 2023, I will travel to Nepal and embark on the adventure of a lifetime, but first, I need to acclimate to hiking in extreme weather conditions at the highest altitude on earth. That's no small feat for someone who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, a desert with minimal elevation.
You need mental health breaks from even hobbies you love sometimes. If you're feeling ready to collapse and sleep for days, you need one too. Learn more at HealthyPlace.
You may remember me as the blogger who wrote for "Work and Bipolar or Depression" or "Coping with Depression" here at HealthyPlace. While blogging on this platform has been a career highlight, I took time off from writing about depression for my mental health. Now that I am better, I feel grateful for the opportunity to write for "Mental Health for The Digital Generation." Although I wish I had never left, I know why I needed to do so: we live in a chaotic world where regular mental health breaks are essential.
What has the criminalization of addiction done to our society? Find out at HealthyPlace.
In 1999, when I was in fifth grade, a police officer came to our school dressed in a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) t-shirt. He was carrying a gun and wearing a stern face. Without any words, he communicated that using drugs led to extreme consequences. His lecture taught us that drug addicts deserve to be locked up. But criminalizing addiction turned out to be more hurtful than helpful.
Recovery from skin-picking disorder isn't easy, or linear. I recently relapsed and am dealing with the emotional and physical aftermath. Learn more at HealthyPlace.
Have you ever had a moment that makes you question every bit of recovery you’ve achieved to that point? I have—recently, I questioned my skin picking recovery.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and panic were a staple part of my life not long ago. But now I'm well on the way to an anxiety-free life. Find out more at HealthyPlace.
Looking back at all my past problems from where I am today, it's often hard to remember just how low I felt. It's hard to remember the many years I spent stuck in a vicious cycle of anxiety, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), not knowing if I would ever be able to break free and live a happy and fulfilling life again. There were intermittent periods of depression when I was unable to see any reason for existence. Thankfully, those days are over.
I worked on overcoming negative self-talk and boosted my self-confidence in the process. Learn the simple steps I took to accomplish it at HealthyPlace.
I have had many people talk to me about struggling with low self-confidence and negative self-talk and how hard it has been for them to train themselves to stop letting negative emotions control their lives. For years, I, too, struggled with these feelings. Self-criticism was a daily practice, and I would find fault in everything I did.

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I’m also extremely pale, and I’ve always managed to find perfect shades from k beauty shops
你也可以买长袖适合游泳, or You can find Dermaflage at most drug stores for around $40.
Dermaflage is flesh-colored, but you can apply makeup on top of it if you want to.
Dermaflage is flexible, so it will move with your skin as you walk around. If it’s a Christian camp you could also say that your get burned easily. Or you could say that your very religious and that you don’t usually wear reviling clothes, this would make sense and I say this a lot, you can wear light white cotton t-shirts under your summer short sleeves, and light blouses over your tops too, it can look very nice if you look it up on Pinterest, and tell your mom that everyone at the camps have long sleeved swimsuits
Sometimes they do not feel any guilt about not responding, but you have to let this go. The illness can mess with a person’s mind so that the true self is not in the driver’s seat.

如果you are able to reconnect, you will need to set loving, but firm boundaries in areas where you may not have before. Ex. “It’s not ok for you to be disrespectful when you speak to me. If you are experiencing difficulty with emotions, we can take a step back and work through things in a positive way.”

You need to be in a place of strength and love for yourself where you can keep those boundaries, and you may need to set them often.

When you are calm, at a level of higher consciousness (unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness), you may want to approach them, and share that you understand they may need space and that you will respect that, but equally, you value them and your relationship, being out of contact hurts you and you’d like to work together to find ways to communicate in a safe way for both of you. Then ask them what are some ways they can envision that happening and what does success look like for them.

In the mean time, work on yourself to become the best communicator you can be. Do this for you and without any expectations of it having a certain outcome.

What has helped me recently is practicing forgiveness. I hold a picture of the person who has caused harm, while sending them unconditional love. I repeat the words “I forgive you” over and over, as I send them love.
don’t do it please, it’s not worth it. your friend will miss you when your gone, leaving is just being selfish and all of the pain you had will move onto them. you don’t know me but my name is jessivia and i love you. please stay. contact me if you need insta- jess_ivia
snap- jess_ivia tiktok- jess_ivia
Thank-you for the helpful information. I don't have ADHD; I have clinical depression. But my sister/roommate DOES have it, and she's a definite hoarder. You, along with other resources, have given me a better understanding about what she's going through and how to navigate through it.