Since I couldn't get out of bed, my roommate had to feed my cat and change the litter box——这是他最讨厌做的两件事,因为这只猫显然是属于我的,而不是公寓的。每当我用杯子或勺子时,他还得洗碗,打扫浴室和厨房等公共区域。在我发病期间,公寓里的分工发生了明显的变化,因为我不能照顾自己,更不用说其他的工作了。幸运的是,我告诉了我的室友发生在我身上的事,并讨论了一集如何双相抑郁在我有一个孩子之前这种早期的交流避免了对我的行为产生太多的怨恨。
与精神疾病患者同住一个屋檐下,最重要的方面是能够注意到症状和行为的变化。当我有一个双相障碍复发, my roommate noticed my behavioral decline before I did, being aware when I cancelled plans and isolated socially.When I started to get better, he also noticed the change in my mood, my outlook, and how I interacted with him.Having someone at home who experiences my emotional and physical state as often as I can, helps me stay on top of when I might be slipping back into depression before a full episode sets in.
我害怕。My roommate is laughing on its own, getting mad and shouting at no one or would create these scenarios.I just moved in like more than a month ago.Then one of our roommates moved out because that roommate had a knife to their side when the roommte just wanted to get the food delivery person up the building.Just in case the person let in is dangerous.That roommate left and I am alone with the roommate with bipolar.The roommate with bipolar entered my room twice.First, stole some things.第二,不确定。I just bought a doorknob that can be locked with a key from the outside so I can lock it when i leave. I am currently looking for a olace to live because I am so scared. I don’t even pee or get drinks anymore because I’m scared to go out.
我的室友和前闺蜜被诊断为双相躁郁症和吸毒者(正在恢复中)。We entered into a short term agreement that I would handle the household affairs in exchange for room and board while I was looking for a job.It has been a nightmare ever since.He is often abusive verbally and it has escalated to violence on two occasions.Any offense he perceives, based in fact or not, results in him attempting to throw me out at that moment.While I, and others, can see that he’s full of @$!# most of the time, it’s like he really believes everyone around him is the problem.His mood range from entitlement to rage to convincing contrition.It’s a wild rollercoaster of insanity living with him and I try my best not to engage him on any level.Last night, I had to call the police because he started one of his episodes and I knew I was too physically weak from surgery that day to deal with him. It eventually devolved to him running around the apartment in his underwear while guests tried to calm him down and he threw all the food in the kitchen away, citing it as an attempt to starve me. I’m really not sure how to handle him when he goes to that insane place. I care about the guy but enough is really enough and he is dangerous and destructive when he gets out of control. Any advice on how to deal with a bipolar person with strong aggression would be much appreciated.
我的室友有躁郁症。我在地狱里。口头虐待。消费成瘾。囤积者。剥削。控制。什么都说不出真话。她不收拾自己的东西,因为我没有加入她的“我爱我”粉丝俱乐部而对我很生气。一分钟一分钟地波动情绪。 Never takes responsibility for anything always blames someone else. Passive aggressive. Steals. Pads bills to makeup for spending too much money. Spreads gossip that I am living off of her and that is why she has money problems. Controlling and starts screaming when I remind her I rent a room from her that's it. Has hidden toliet paper and paper towels, locked me out of the bathroom at nite, hidden my mail, stile my debit card, leaves her dishes and mess for me to clean up even when I have been away for a week, rudely insults me in front of people, tried to seduce my date, demands that I don't date or have friends over and the list goes on and on. This is a horrible person. I am moving next week. I will never breathe the same air as this racists ass and I have light pigmentation.