


有三件事莎拉•佩林(Sarah Palin)需要知道创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。佩林显示她惊人的无知创伤后应激障碍当她指责奥巴马总统儿子的创伤后应激障碍。佩林说,追踪最近的家庭暴力被捕是由于创伤后应激障碍,一样可怕的是,它可能是正确的。然而,佩林的“个人责任”是将责任从自己(共和党人阻止每一个退伍军人心理健康法案和心理健康法案)无关的人。这里有三件事萨拉·佩林,每个政治家毁坏我们精神健康系统,需要知道PTSD。



莎拉·佩林PTSD的无知伤害她的儿子和其他数以百万计的患者。这里有三个基本的PTSD真理莎拉•佩林(Sarah Palin)需要学习。法院并不总是理解,这就是为什么我们需要的精神卫生法庭;人们喜欢跟踪比惩罚更需要治疗。有精神疾病的人不属于刑事司法系统,这并不是让我们“严厉打击犯罪”。我的一个朋友,一个海湾战争作战与PTSD兽医,中了枪,倒叙。出生在墨西哥,他想他的军队服务自动使他成为公民社会,他将支付债务和一个短的刑期。相反,他被驱逐在监狱生活几年后。这发生了近33000退伍军人,根据Facebook页面放逐退伍军人。



莎拉•佩林(Sarah Palin)需要知道PTSD是可以治疗的,但是你得愿意接受治疗是有效的。作为一个社会,我们必须理解这一点创伤后应激障碍是一种身体的疾病与精神病症状,表现好的寻求治疗,自杀并不是答案。我们不需要发动一场战争创伤的人需要帮助。







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奥伯格,b .(2016年1月25日)。莎拉·佩林三件事情需要知道PTSD, HealthyPlace。检索2023年6月26日从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/recoveringfrommentalillness/2016/01/three-things-sarah-palin-needs-to-know-about-ptsd



我有chrinic ptsd但我的战场是在我的家。我患有自恋和煤气灯滥用综合征。18年。我有90%的症状。(见PTSDUK . .ORG的症状和体征。我的下巴掉当你的文章州共和党阻止每一个比尔根据你的创意来源。我是一个保守的和我将研究。
我的创伤后应激障碍热线在哪里?我曾经被很多用母乳喂养,可以帮助我从一个政府机构。警察对我们不尊重——瘾君子,她不会起诉,她问因为她总是回去。”Our brains change not only with ptsd but we also suffer the abusive physical changes in the brain. We now have the word "prey" stamped in our forehead. Our brain will only be attracted to abusive men. No matter how nice they seem. we have become; people pleasers, appeasers, and the "yes woman." I literally have a personality disorder which my dr says is because I'm "TOO nice" and it's getting me into trouble.
很快:我住在2016年10月中旬以来一场噩梦。从我15岁开始,omg !我不能。它是如此痛苦。这个故事太长了。很多创伤后创伤后创伤——噩梦w /生活在生活的噩梦。滥用!我不会让他们赢,让我在医院想要自杀或精神疾病。每一盎司的精力才把它在一起。想象的拼图。 And then consistently having to grab at the puzzle pieces that are coming undone one after the other to keep u whole. Weird but that's the only way I can explain it. All we want- anyone who suffers from ptsd, chronic or complex or pdsd - is for you to understand us. No one ever can. No matter how hard you try to explain it or give them articles on it. And Because our language skills decreases, I use quotes from Facebook or I'll look one up via search engine. For example I'll type in "why me" do a search and hit images. I'll find some quotes that fit the best and I save them. I'm an educated woman who does so much research on this stuff because the doctors don't have the answers. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy has worked the best for me. Pharmaceutically xanax 1 mg extended release is a life saver. It's not prescribed much or known about. I don't trust anyone especially the police. (Not one report was written by them when I called because I was being abused.)They need some serious edumacation on the subject.
我是50岁的女人从未做过任何犯罪或坏事任何人,除了自己。我以为我做了一件好事,甚至神工作,太好了,不过俗话说的好“没有好报”好!”We, the abused now have bad pickers and invite the drama into there home. All the time thinking im doing a good thing..
我只是知道我监视之下。哇。我是跟一个老朋友之外,年轻的朋友,像我的儿子一会儿,回去在我门,继续用我的钻拿一块垃圾。我抬头,有三名警察看着我的后门。我是问我是否有枪。什么?是的!6 - 7警察汽车10 - 12名警察和一个可怕的女人(讽刺)是在我的房子前面。我说:“哇,这都是给我的吗?”Yes. Someone thought my small girly drill was a gun. Oh my word. Go catch some criminals for gods sake.
我有chrinic ptsd但我的战场是在我的家。我患有自恋和煤气灯滥用综合征。18年。我有90%的症状。(见PTSDUK . .ORG的症状和体征。我的下巴掉当你的文章州共和党阻止每一个比尔根据你的创意来源。我是一个保守的和我将研究。
我的创伤后应激障碍热线在哪里?我曾经被很多用母乳喂养,可以帮助我从一个政府机构。警察对我们不尊重——瘾君子,她不会起诉,她问因为她总是回去。”Our brains change not only with ptsd but we also suffer the abusive physical changes in the brain. We now have the word "prey" stamped in our forehead. Our brain will only be attracted to abusive men. No matter how nice they seem. we have become; people pleasers, appeasers, and the "yes woman." I literally have a personality disorder which my dr says is because I'm "TOO nice" and it's getting me into trouble.
很快:我住在2016年10月中旬以来一场噩梦。从我15岁开始,omg !我不能。它是如此痛苦。这个故事太长了。很多创伤后创伤后创伤——噩梦w /生活在生活的噩梦。滥用!我不会让他们赢,让我在医院想要自杀或精神疾病。每一盎司的精力才把它在一起。想象的拼图。 And then consistently having to grab at the puzzle pieces that are coming undone one after the other to keep u whole. Weird but that's the only way I can explain it. All we want- anyone who suffers from ptsd, chronic or complex or pdsd - is for you to understand us. No one ever can. No matter how hard you try to explain it or give them articles on it. And Because our language skills decreases, I use quotes from Facebook or I'll look one up via search engine. For example I'll type in "why me" do a search and hit images. I'll find some quotes that fit the best and I save them. I'm an educated woman who does so much research on this stuff because the doctors don't have the answers. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy has worked the best for me. Pharmaceutically xanax 1 mg extended release is a life saver. It's not prescribed much or known about. I don't trust anyone especially the police. (Not one report was written by them when I called because I was being abused.)They need some serious edumacation on the subject.
我是50岁的女人从未做过任何犯罪或坏事任何人,除了自己。我以为我做了一件好事,甚至神工作,太好了,不过俗话说的好“没有好报”好!”We, the abused now have bad pickers and invite the drama into there home. All the time thinking im doing a good thing..
我只是知道我监视之下。哇。我是跟一个老朋友之外,年轻的朋友,像我的儿子一会儿,回去在我门,继续用我的钻拿一块垃圾。我抬头,有三名警察看着我的后门。我是问我是否有枪。什么?是的!6 - 7警察汽车10 - 12名警察和一个可怕的女人(讽刺)是在我的房子前面。我说:“哇,这都是给我的吗?”Yes. Someone thought my small girly drill was a gun. Oh my word. Go catch some criminals for gods sake.
我有chrinic ptsd但我的战场是在我的家。我患有自恋和煤气灯滥用综合征。18年。我有90%的症状。(见PTSDUK . .ORG的症状和体征。我的下巴掉当你的文章州共和党阻止每一个比尔根据你的创意来源。我是一个保守的和我将研究。
我的创伤后应激障碍热线在哪里?我曾经被很多用母乳喂养,可以帮助我从一个政府机构。警察对我们不尊重——瘾君子,她不会起诉,她问因为她总是回去。”Our brains change not only with ptsd but we also suffer the abusive physical changes in the brain. We now have the word "prey" stamped in our forehead. Our brain will only be attracted to abusive men. No matter how nice they seem. we have become; people pleasers, appeasers, and the "yes woman." I literally have a personality disorder which my dr says is because I'm "TOO nice" and it's getting me into trouble.
很快:我住在2016年10月中旬以来一场噩梦。从我15岁开始,omg !我不能。它是如此痛苦。这个故事太长了。很多创伤后创伤后创伤——噩梦w /生活在生活的噩梦。滥用!我不会让他们赢,让我在医院想要自杀或精神疾病。每一盎司的精力才把它在一起。想象的拼图。 And then consistently having to grab at the puzzle pieces that are coming undone one after the other to keep u whole. Weird but that's the only way I can explain it. All we want- anyone who suffers from ptsd, chronic or complex or pdsd - is for you to understand us. No one ever can. No matter how hard you try to explain it or give them articles on it. And Because our language skills decreases, I use quotes from Facebook or I'll look one up via search engine. For example I'll type in "why me" do a search and hit images. I'll find some quotes that fit the best and I save them. I'm an educated woman who does so much research on this stuff because the doctors don't have the answers. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy has worked the best for me. Pharmaceutically xanax 1 mg extended release is a life saver. It's not prescribed much or known about. I don't trust anyone especially the police. (Not one report was written by them when I called because I was being abused.)They need some serious edumacation on the subject.
我是50岁的女人从未做过任何犯罪或坏事任何人,除了自己。我以为我做了一件好事,甚至神工作,太好了,不过俗话说的好“没有好报”好!”We, the abused now have bad pickers and invite the drama into there home. All the time thinking im doing a good thing..
我只是知道我监视之下。哇。我是跟一个老朋友之外,年轻的朋友,像我的儿子一会儿,回去在我门,继续用我的钻拿一块垃圾。我抬头,有三名警察看着我的后门。我是问我是否有枪。什么?是的!6 - 7警察汽车10 - 12名警察和一个可怕的女人(讽刺)是在我的房子前面。我说:“哇,这都是给我的吗?”Yes. Someone thought my small girly drill was a gun. Oh my word. Go catch some criminals for gods sake.
我有chrinic ptsd但我的战场是在我的家。我患有自恋和煤气灯滥用综合征。18年。我有90%的症状。(见PTSDUK . .ORG的症状和体征。我的下巴掉当你的文章州共和党阻止每一个比尔根据你的创意来源。我是一个保守的和我将研究。
我的创伤后应激障碍热线在哪里?我曾经被很多用母乳喂养,可以帮助我从一个政府机构。警察对我们不尊重——瘾君子,她不会起诉,她问因为她总是回去。”Our brains change not only with ptsd but we also suffer the abusive physical changes in the brain. We now have the word "prey" stamped in our forehead. Our brain will only be attracted to abusive men. No matter how nice they seem. we have become; people pleasers, appeasers, and the "yes woman." I literally have a personality disorder which my dr says is because I'm "TOO nice" and it's getting me into trouble.
很快:我住在2016年10月中旬以来一场噩梦。从我15岁开始,omg !我不能。它是如此痛苦。这个故事太长了。很多创伤后创伤后创伤——噩梦w /生活在生活的噩梦。滥用!我不会让他们赢,让我在医院想要自杀或精神疾病。每一盎司的精力才把它在一起。想象的拼图。 And then consistently having to grab at the puzzle pieces that are coming undone one after the other to keep u whole. Weird but that's the only way I can explain it. All we want- anyone who suffers from ptsd, chronic or complex or pdsd - is for you to understand us. No one ever can. No matter how hard you try to explain it or give them articles on it. And Because our language skills decreases, I use quotes from Facebook or I'll look one up via search engine. For example I'll type in "why me" do a search and hit images. I'll find some quotes that fit the best and I save them. I'm an educated woman who does so much research on this stuff because the doctors don't have the answers. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy has worked the best for me. Pharmaceutically xanax 1 mg extended release is a life saver. It's not prescribed much or known about. I don't trust anyone especially the police. (Not one report was written by them when I called because I was being abused.)They need some serious edumacation on the subject.
我是50岁的女人从未做过任何犯罪或坏事任何人,除了自己。我以为我做了一件好事,甚至神工作,太好了,不过俗话说的好“没有好报”好!”We, the abused now have bad pickers and invite the drama into there home. All the time thinking im doing a good thing..
我只是知道我监视之下。哇。我是跟一个老朋友之外,年轻的朋友,像我的儿子一会儿,回去在我门,继续用我的钻拿一块垃圾。我抬头,有三名警察看着我的后门。我是问我是否有枪。什么?是的!6 - 7警察汽车10 - 12名警察和一个可怕的女人(讽刺)是在我的房子前面。我说:“哇,这都是给我的吗?”Yes. Someone thought my small girly drill was a gun. Oh my word. Go catch some criminals for gods sake.
阿丹我战区chrinic创伤后应激障碍,但在我的家。我患有自恋和煤气灯滥用综合征。18年。我有90%的症状。(见PTSDUK . .ORG的症状和体征。我的下巴掉当你的文章州共和党阻止每一个比尔根据你的创意来源。我是一个保守的和我将研究。
我的创伤后应激障碍热线在哪里?我曾经被很多用母乳喂养,可以帮助我从一个政府机构。警察对我们不尊重——瘾君子,她不会起诉,她问因为她总是回去。”Our brains change not only with ptsd but we also suffer the abusive physical changes in the brain. We now have the word "prey" stamped in our forehead. Our brain will only be attracted to abusive men. No matter how nice they seem. we have become; people pleasers, appeasers, and the "yes woman." I literally have a personality disorder which my dr says is because I'm "TOO nice" and it's getting me into trouble.
很快:我住在2016年10月中旬以来一场噩梦。从我15岁开始,omg !我不能。它是如此痛苦。这个故事太长了。很多创伤后创伤后创伤——噩梦w /生活在生活的噩梦。滥用!我不会让他们赢,让我在医院想要自杀或精神疾病。每一盎司的精力才把它在一起。想象的拼图。 And then consistently having to grab at the puzzle pieces that are coming undone one after the other to keep u whole. Weird but that's the only way I can explain it. All we want- anyone who suffers from ptsd, chronic or complex or pdsd - is for you to understand us. No one ever can. No matter how hard you try to explain it or give them articles on it. And Because our language skills decreases, I use quotes from Facebook or I'll look one up via search engine. For example I'll type in "why me" do a search and hit images. I'll find some quotes that fit the best and I save them. I'm an educated woman who does so much research on this stuff because the doctors don't have the answers. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy has worked the best for me. Pharmaceutically xanax 1 mg extended release is a life saver. It's not prescribed much or known about. I don't trust anyone especially the police. (Not one report was written by them when I called because I was being abused.)They need some serious edumacation on the subject.
我是50岁的女人从未做过任何犯罪或坏事任何人,除了自己。我以为我做了一件好事,甚至神工作,太好了,不过俗话说的好“没有好报”好!”We, the abused now have bad pickers and invite the drama into there home. All the time thinking im doing a good thing..
我只是知道我监视之下。哇。我是跟一个老朋友之外,年轻的朋友,像我的儿子一会儿,回去在我门,继续用我的钻拿一块垃圾。我抬头,有三名警察看着我的后门。我是问我是否有枪。什么?是的!6 - 7警察汽车10 - 12名警察和一个可怕的女人(讽刺)是在我的房子前面。我说:“哇,这都是给我的吗?”Yes. Someone thought my small girly drill was a gun. Oh my word. Go catch some criminals for gods sake.
我有chrinic ptsd但我的战场是在我的家。我患有自恋和煤气灯滥用综合征。18年。我有90%的症状。(见PTSDUK . .ORG的症状和体征。我的下巴掉当你的文章州共和党阻止每一个比尔根据你的创意来源。我是一个保守的和我将研究。
我的创伤后应激障碍热线在哪里?我曾经被很多用母乳喂养,可以帮助我从一个政府机构。警察对我们不尊重——瘾君子,她不会起诉,她问因为她总是回去。”Our brains change not only with ptsd but we also suffer the abusive physical changes in the brain. We now have the word "prey" stamped in our forehead. Our brain will only be attracted to abusive men. No matter how nice they seem. we have become; people pleasers, appeasers, and the "yes woman." I literally have a personality disorder which my dr says is because I'm "TOO nice" and it's getting me into trouble.
很快:我住在2016年10月中旬以来一场噩梦。从我15岁开始,omg !我不能。它是如此痛苦。这个故事太长了。很多创伤后创伤后创伤——噩梦w /生活在生活的噩梦。滥用!我不会让他们赢,让我在医院想要自杀或精神疾病。每一盎司的精力才把它在一起。想象的拼图。 And then consistently having to grab at the puzzle pieces that are coming undone one after the other to keep u whole. Weird but that's the only way I can explain it. All we want- anyone who suffers from ptsd, chronic or complex or pdsd - is for you to understand us. No one ever can. No matter how hard you try to explain it or give them articles on it. And Because our language skills decreases, I use quotes from Facebook or I'll look one up via search engine. For example I'll type in "why me" do a search and hit images. I'll find some quotes that fit the best and I save them. I'm an educated woman who does so much research on this stuff because the doctors don't have the answers. Acupuncture and hypnotherapy has worked the best for me. Pharmaceutically xanax 1 mg extended release is a life saver. It's not prescribed much or known about. I don't trust anyone especially the police. (Not one report was written by them when I called because I was being abused.)They need some serious edumacation on the subject.
我是50岁的女人从未做过任何犯罪或坏事任何人,除了自己。我以为我做了一件好事,甚至神工作,太好了,不过俗话说的好“没有好报”好!”We, the abused now have bad pickers and invite the drama into there home. All the time thinking im doing a good thing..
我只是知道我监视之下。哇。我是跟一个老朋友之外,年轻的朋友,像我的儿子一会儿,回去在我门,继续用我的钻拿一块垃圾。我抬头,有三名警察看着我的后门。我是问我是否有枪。什么?是的!6 - 7警察汽车10 - 12名警察和一个可怕的女人(讽刺)是在我的房子前面。我说:“哇,这都是给我的吗?”Yes. Someone thought my small girly drill was a gun. Oh my word. Go catch some criminals for gods sake.




