

“如果你需要脑部手术几乎总是一个好主意让更多的人参与进来。”Taz Mopula The first time I heard the term “self-medication” I laughed out loud. In searching for an analogy one thinks immediately of the old adage – the lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client. But that’s when the stakes are low, going free or going to jail. How about when the stakes are high? Sanity versus insanity? Life versus death? Jean Paul Sartre, a very clever fellow, used to play Russian roulette because he was bored. Well, self-medication is like playing Russian roulette with one big difference, all the gun’s chambers contain live ammo. Self-medication – (the term itself is preposterous) - fits nicely into the insufferable arrogance and egotism of mania – as if to say – I can manage this little spot of bother myself with nothing more complicated than some garden-variety drugs. I remember it all too vividly – “throwing gasoline on a fire”.
我叫Alistair McHarg幽默,我的心理健康博客,“有趣的头”,是在HealthyPlace每周特性。我们的目标是帮助我们发现和重新发现的基本荒谬和幽默在我们所面临的挑战和克服。我相信看到幽默在我们的试验是一个复苏的关键因素和健康。