




罗杰被警察访问前不久他横冲直撞。关于视频有关他的父母报了警暴力威胁,他在互联网上发布。然而,警方从未观看视频。他们还没有搜索他的公寓他后来使用的枪支。没有足够的证据证明他是一个危险对自己或他人,警察得出结论他是安全的,离开了。不管你喜欢与否,这是法律以来,最高法院裁定,它是违宪的精神病患者违背他们的意愿,如果他们没有危害自己或他人。结果,成千上万的精神病人被释放机构。他们中的许多人最终无家可归或监禁,导致当前分散我们现在有心理健康系统。我有一次被警察威胁说要自杀。我立即被放在72小时紧急拘留和当局通知。 That's what should have happened to Rodger. It may not have been legal, but it would have been moral.


边缘型人格障碍患者应给予非自愿治疗社区的安全吗?BPD患者应该锁定吗?有一种说法是这样的:“什么是法律并不总是正确的。什么是对的不一定是合法的。”Forced treatment is a perfect example. People with mental illnesses such as BPD have rights, but with those rights comes responsibilities. For example, we have the right to live in the community, but with it comes the responsibility to comply with treatment. Sadly, people with BPD are not always treatment-compliant. Before I was committed to a residential facility, I had trouble remembering to take my medication. I also drank heavily. This made me unstable and occasionally dangerous. That's why I was locked up. But I was allowed to deteriorate for years before I was involuntarily committed to the borderline unit at Larue D. Carter Memorial Hospital in Indianapolis. I just wasn't sick enough. And that's morally questionable. There are thousands of people who would benefit from hospitalization, but they don't meet the criteria of dangerous or gravely disabled. So they end up in our prison system or on the streets. The largest provider for mental health services in Indianapolis is the Marion County Jail; the largest provider should be a hospital. Locking up people who可能答案是危险的可能不是合法的但这是答案道德吗?



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奥伯格,b .(2014年5月27日)。答案是锁定边缘性?,HealthyPlace。检索2023年5月24日,从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/borderline/2014/05/is-locking-up-people-with-bpd-the-answer




Jodee walczyk
2014年6月,3 5:54


2014年6月,2 5:19点

我有一个非常精神病妈妈。我需要帮助&甚至不知道该做什么。我甚至不确定她的障碍是什么,我一直围绕& &在她自1982年以来!她需要一个医院和很需要快乐!如果有任何人可以请给我一些指导,我将把它和运行。她告诉她的心理。医生她是& &不会做的是现在所有药物!她的主意。我爸爸年长得多步&身体健康不好,我妈妈是在良好的身体健康检查她的头。女人我知道我妈妈是完全消失了。 She can't get out of a chair for days & she has been diagnosed as bi-polar but she has voices in her head she has names for & she's humming & talking to herself to drown out the voices. She says there is a "tape" playing in her head all the time. What does any of this mean? Her doc just writes a script & out the door & now had decided to take the summer off of meds! She came up the coast of FL to visit, we are 5 hr. drive apart, she was here a week & was taping things together with surgical tape, random objects & putting odd things in the fridge & collecting glass jars & doing just bazaar things. I told my dad help me or get out of my way! She has great insurance since he is retired military, she will get full Medicare health benefits this Nov. as well. There is always an excuse why she can't go to the hosputal. If I could get her on a psyc. hold, any doc after speaking with her for 2 minutes would know, this lady is extremely ill. I need & beg for help. I am an only child & have noone but my dad, mom & husband. Please please help. She lives in Key Largo where docs are few but there is Miami. Anyone know anything about services there? I'm almost paralized because this is so much & landing all on me or I can watch her slip away, just like her grandmother did & she went totally catatonic. I'm desperate, afraid & lost. I want to save my mom & this is wayyy bigger then me. Thank you so much for reading. God Bless.


