
关于Douglas Cootey - ADDaboy!







库蒂,D.(2010年1月20日)。关于Douglas Cootey - ADDaboy!, HealthyPlace。2023年3月23日,从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/adultadhd/2010/01/about-douglas-cootey-author-of-addaboy获取

作者:Douglas Cootey


你好,道格拉斯。我有ADD,情绪障碍,医学博士可能认为这是双相情感障碍和情绪障碍的边界。他说,这是一个微妙的界限。我的双相情感障碍2型表现为轻度躁狂,并以抑郁为主。所以萧条更严重了。我还有焦虑和强迫症。我给每件事都贴标签,这样我就不用列出50种不同的感觉。我是护士。我背部受伤了。有几处椎间盘突出。 I am stuck in my head. I like to call my ADHD, attention deficit headcase disorder. I've been socially inept for as long as I remember. My parents didn't help any. I was always picked on. Then in teenage years I started looking pretty good and got more attention. So I ran with that, but was still "weird". I went to a junior college to start, where I totally shut down. I didn't make any friends or date much. I slept a lot b/c college was overwhelming. I would skip some classes and sleep in my car b/c I was so tired. I would schedule my classes around my 2 soaps, because I could really lose myself in them. I always mentally wake up around 2pm. If I didn't have school or work, I was at home sleeping. I was dazed and confused without the drugs. Then I got into nursing school and managed to get my license, which I really don't understand how that happened. I still feel like a fraud, like someone's going to figure me out someday. Like you, I'm good at a lot of things, but I transfer to different departments a lot b/c I get bored, so I'm a jack of all trades and master of none. I feel like I've fooled them all because how could I be focused enough to be a nurse, have a great career? I'm broken, chaotic, inept, frenetic. Managers have told me this. My communication skills are poor. I'm too intense. So then I have to tell them I have ADD so they don't think I'm doing this on purpose and being disrespectful. So then I feel tainted. Like I'm always going to be watched and will have to perform perfectly. All of this is so depressing. I always question myself; What am I doing here? What is my life worth? I wouldn't be missed. I'm not part of society. Nobody needs me, so why am I here? When I get depressed , my OCD is in high gear. And my energy level goes way down. I don't sleep well. When I finally get to sleep it's about 3 or 4am and then I'll sleep most of the day, which makes me anxious when I wake up and makes my back pain worse. I am OCD with food. I forget that I'm eating something. I gained weight also, so I can't even count on my looks anymore. I'm 41 y/o now. Who else would want me. My current boyfriend of 5 years is supportive and tries, but I think I might be settling because I think no one else could deal with me. I don't know if I'm capable of Love. I don't even like myself. I'm so annoying to myself. I'm bored all the time, but have become extremely lazy since I know that whatever I decide to do will not be finished or it will be over too soon and I think it's not really worth it. I get set into that laziness and it's a real effort to do anything. I know the medicine for my diagnosis is exercise, but I always have this dreadful feeling of leaving the house. I guess I've given up and don't care about anything. Eating healthy and exercising is so boring, but it didn't use to be. So I'm confused and not sure what to do. I think I need to be in therapy, but so far I'm smarter than all the psychologists I've seen and it's boring. I've met some kooky therapists. It's annoying to have to keep looking for a good therapist. I'm over the "talking" thing. I wish I could have a life coach, but it's too expensive. I feel like I need to be in an interactive therapy as opposed to talking about things. I would go to meetings or seminars, but don't know of any in San Diego. I also have no one here on the West Coast except for my boyfriend. I know people but not comfortable enough with them to be close. No family here. I would love to be near my sister and her kids, but my boyfriend can't leave San Diego because of his work. So I really don't have a support system either. I feel like I'm just wasting away and don't know how to get out of this slump. I was laid off of my research job, but am still with the same hospital trying to transfer to another area of nursing. This is very stressful because I only have 2 weeks to find a position here. So I'm extremely stressed and bored, which is a disaster for me and people with ADD and depression. Did you ever feel like this? If so, how did you get out of it? I enjoyed listening to your stories. I wish I knew of a place to go in person to talk to people like you and me. I will continue to listen to your stories.











干得好,道格。我认为任何面对挑战时还能自嘲而不把它当回事的人都是享受生活的人。幸运的是,我没有意识到在HS中翻白眼和窃窃私语(感谢上帝),一切都很好,我想在结婚和工作一段时间后继续学业,继续上大学。我一怀孕,大学生涯的梦想就泡汤了。被宝宝救了!我确实试着回到大学,完成我的护理学位,但遇到了许多障碍,尽管顽强,我还是放弃了,把我的家庭搬到另一个州,并尝试再生一个孩子。2号和3号宝宝接连出现。2岁的孩子在6岁时被诊断出患有多动症我们给他用药,就这样。在我11岁的儿子差点自杀后,我把他的多动症DX提高到一个不同的意识水平,以及它是如何影响他的世界和家庭的。我经营着一个CHADD的家长和成人支持小组,它让我意识到,尽管ADHD造成了所有的挫折和沮丧,但它也让我走到了另一边。 I plan on training for ADHD Certified Coach this year. Thanks for your inspirational words and letting everyone know it's ok to have ADHD.


