






今天我们乘船在巨大的太空船地球。它也被认为是(打个比方),“永不沉没的”。And while we've received countless warnings regarding the perils she confronts, we continue to entrust our governments with the authority and responsibility to successfully navigate around them. The technology that made the Titanic possible and yet could not prevent her destruction, is the very same that we collectively count on to save us now. And like the poor who were confined within the bottom decks of the Titanic, our own poor receive the least of our ship's bounty, and suffer the greatest discomfort. And yet in the end, no degree of wealth or status guaranteed salvation for the passengers of the Titanic, nor will it ultimately prevail on our own magnificent and yet vulnerable vessel.






有说我价值极大,“如果人们将领导,领导者只能跟随。”It wasn't the force of the United States government that essentially abolished slavery, established civil rights, or won the right to vote for women, it was the power of the American people. It wasn't the auto industry that initiated the manufacturing of smaller and more gas efficient cars, it was only responding to our demands for them. Many Americans became concerned about global warming and energy conservation long before the government and industry began to act. It was average citizens who defeated the nuclear power industry. An enormous amount has changed throughout the world in just a few short years, and many of the transformations we've witnessed were not led by world leaders, charismatic heroes, or great super powers -- they were propelled forward by everyday people not so unlike you and I.


约翰加德纳写道,“一个文明上升到伟大的时候发生在人类的思想。”Just as history doesn't stand still but continually moves onward, we too continue to evolve into increasingly more powerful co-creators. And yet even as we actively create, we also remain in the process of becoming. Goethe observed that, "we are shaped and fashioned by what we love." Americans have been accused of being like materialistic sheep obsessed with consumption and status. While it has been our behavior that has so often defined us, and the outward trappings to which so many of us have become preoccupied, it's time I believe that we each looked inward, and ask ourselves what it is that we truly love. Once we have the answer to that question, then perhaps what occurs in the hearts, and minds, and souls of Americans will indeed lead our civilization to greatness, and our lives will collectively tell a story far more significant than the grandest epic.


员工,h .(2008年10月16日)。在泰坦尼克号上,马克麦奎尔,和爱,HealthyPlace。检索2023年7月28日从//www.5wetown.com/alternative-mental-health/sageplace/on-the-titanic-mark-mcgwire-and-love


