

http://www.shopaholic.org.au/stop-shopaholic/购物成瘾购物成瘾:那是什么呢?事实上,购物瘾是一些不太理解在我们的社会。根据柯兰教授,主任斯坦福大学医学中心精神病学和强迫症诊所,购物成瘾是一个障碍。强迫性购物是一个“严重的和不愉快的后果,和公众的关注之一”。研究证明,强迫购买者通常商店的文章,这是不必要的。他们变得疯狂和寻求然而一旦他们购买这些物品他们简单地将它们存储在他们的衣柜,完全未使用的。我们仍在困境是否我们应该认真对待购物成瘾。我们怎么知道当它最终穿过极限有一个狂热的或强迫性障碍?事实上,“购买”的项目列表会让他们“幸福”。在大多数情况下,仪式,鞋带购物的行为涉及期望,期望,之后一个纯粹的耻辱! To be honest, shopping addiction takes an array of forms while for some, a purchase makes them high on the other hand others may get high with a simple bargain. The thought patterns for a shopaholic are purely unconscious. For many shopping is just escapism from the realities of life and from its agonizing problems. Indeed it's a disease which is characterized by behavior without choice. Yes a compulsive shopper needs to shop in order to feel safe or to feel worthwhile and lovable. So where is the problem? Okay, the problem lies even deeper -- the issue is that , the compulsive shopper will never be able to find what they are actually looking for in a dress or on the gadget. Needless to say, shopping addiction can only render you a temporary high feeling and once this feeling is subsided what remains is a constant feeling of despair. Yes, it's a false world which can never grant happiness or love, or self esteem. Quite like the alcoholics the compulsive shoppers also goes on binges when they are upset and lonely or when they are depressed. Correct; for a compulsive shopper the very idea of shopping is a simply "pick me up," euphoria to lift their spirit only for a temporary phase Visit my site to know more Confession of a shopaholic Compulsive shopping Shopping addicts is shopping an addict Compulsive spending Addictive personality Addiction to shopping