对自己说:“我所做的一切都让我更健康、更放松、更能掌控自己的生活。”如果需要的话我会马上醒来。当你感到舒适放松的时候,想象一下坐在一个美丽的满是鲜花的花园的木凳上。蜜蜂轻轻地嗡嗡叫,阳光温暖着你的皮肤。花园的尽头有一扇门。你走进去,推开它时注意到饱经风霜的木头粗糙的质地。再往前是通往一个僻静海滩的台阶,海浪轻轻地拍打着沙滩。你慢慢地走下去,感受着石头的凉爽。当你数着脚下的台阶时——一、二、三……每走一步,你都会感到更加放松…… four, five, six... deeply calm and relaxed... seven, eight, nine... your body is relaxed, your mind open to all the good that can come to you here... ten. You are on this beautiful beach, knowing you are perfectly safe and can leave whenever you want. Enjoy the peace and serenity. Nearby you see a wrought-iron seat facing the sea. You sit down and say to yourself, 'I am peaceful, happy and perfectly in control of my life. I easily cope with everything that happens.' Now pinch the fold of skin between thumb and first finger on your right hand (pinch your thumb if you're pregnant). From now on you can relax at will, simply by doing that and remembering this peaceful place. Repeat, 'I am peaceful, happy and perfectly in control of my life. I easily cope with everything that happens. I can relax at will, simply by pinching my right hand and thinking of this place.' When you're ready, return to the steps, knowing you can come back here any time you like. You will return to everyday consciousness as you count down, but will be able to relax at will. Count slowly down from ten, as you walk up the steps, starting to notice the everyday sounds around you. By zero you are back to everyday consciousness, relaxed and alert.
当你对白天发生的压力事件感到紧张时,无法入睡是最后一根稻草。当什么都不起作用的时候,试试这种自我催眠的技巧。这是值得事先学习的(阅读它直到你知道),然后当你需要它时,它将是毫不费力的。躺下,闭上眼睛。想象一个熟悉的画面,比如说,你的卧室(但要闭上眼睛)。对自己说:“除了这个房间,什么都不存在。”想象一下构成这个房间的所有不同的细节:天花板、墙壁(上面有画吗?)、地板(上面有地毯或小地毯吗?)、窗户(窗帘是什么样子的?)、家具梳妆台、五斗橱、衣柜、你躺着的床。在你的脑海里系统地从房间的一端到另一端,从上到下。然后,一个接一个地把这些细节从你的脑海中抹去,直到一切都消失。你只剩下绝对的空虚。 Concentrate on this void, with you in the middle of it, for a few moments. You will experience a feeling of relaxation coming from it. If you still cannot sleep, repeat the exercise several times. It's usually successful after only a few minutes of 'disconnection'.
H. Staff(2007年2月19日)。自我催眠达到深度放松,健康的地方。于2022年10月16日从//www.5wetown.com/anxiety-panic/articles/self-hypnosis-to-achieve-deep-relaxation检索到