

https://www.youtube.com/EncognitiveVids http://www.gamblinghelper.com”无论是在赌场或在线扑克和其他游戏的机会正变得越来越受欢迎。不只是男人上瘾,越来越多的女性正在成为强迫性赌徒,。早间秀记者海蒂考夫曼需要仔细看看这一令人不安的趋势,”新闻主播。“事实上你赌博强制的时间越长,这是我在做什么,你越成为强迫性说谎,”媚兰摩根前赌博成瘾者。”在1980年代媚兰摩根是一个成功的电视主播直到她赌瘾成本,几乎毁了她的婚姻,”海蒂考夫曼,哥伦比亚广播公司记者。“我会撒谎我去哪里,我在做什么,我是谁,我是花多少钱,”媚兰摩根。“即使怀孕没有阻止梅勒妮赌博,”海蒂考夫曼。“我当然是在可怕的环境中,烟雾弥漫的房间里,不能照顾自己。我是赌博,直到一个小时前我生了,”媚兰摩根。“她的儿子出生后,她经常和各式各样的离开了婴儿保姆,”考夫曼。 "I remember packing up the baby one day and driving around to each of the card rooms where I thought she might be and finally locating her and taking the baby in its carrier and putting the baby in the middle of the poker table and saying, 'You got a choice. You want to play cards or you want to be a Mom?'" Jack Morgan, Melanie's husband. "I knew at that point I was in desperate trouble and I knew I was sick, sick, and needed help. And I still didn't want to stop," Melanie Morgan. "You might think the opportunity to gamble non-stop would be limited to a trip to Las Vegas or Atlantic City, but the temptation is everywhere. Visit here in Phoenix and you'll be greeted with the Arizona Casino guide, listing 22 casinos, dog racing, horse racing, bingo and more," Kauffman. "I won $10,000 playing bingo. It just hooks you right in," former compulsive gambler. "Slot machines," another compulsive gambler. "Mine wasn't slots, it was draw poker," another compulsive gambler. "I sat down with three women in recovery from compulsive gambling: Shannon, Freda, and Vicki," "Do you have any idea how much you've lost to gambling?" Kauffman. "I've lost $300,000. It was all of my retirement money," Vicki. "I have thought it was around $35,000 but my husband has stated that it's around $50,000," Shannon. "It was around $115,000 to $200,000," Freda. "But Freda lost a lot more than that. She lost a year of her life when she went to prison after stealing cash to gamble," Kauffman. "The sick compulsive gambler will do whatever they have to do to gamble," Freda. "It makes me think about a drug addict who steals to get the drugs," Kauffman. "It's an addiction. It is an addiction," Freda. "Psychologist Paul Good says that it used to be women used to gamble to escape their every day life, but now more are being lured simply by the action," Kauffman. "A sense of excitement, of being on the edge. You are literally holding your fate in your own hands at a poker table. For a women, that could be a powerful riveting experience," Paul Good, psychologist. "Is it a high? Is it a euphoria?" Kauffman. "Oh yes. Oh yes it is. It's like a drug," Freda. "Especially when you hear the bells ringing," background voice. "According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, in the 1980s just a handful of women sought treatment for gambling addiction. Today, almost half of those seeking help for gambling addiction are female," Kauffman. "You are going to see gambling take its place alongside alcoholism and drug abuse as being one of the most significant addictions of our time," Paul Good, Psychologist. https://www.youtube.com/GamblingVideos http://www.gamblinghelper.com http;//www.gamblinghelper.com/forum