

来自公共领域的海洛因纪录片视频。海洛因:下一代。观众将了解在美国街头贩卖的不同类型的海洛因,海洛因是如何影响吸毒者的,并听到前吸毒者对海洛因使用的第一人称描述。看看马里科帕县警长办公室是如何破获一个向亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔富裕郊区的年轻人出售毒品的主要海洛因走私团伙的。一报还一报——海洛因又回来了!但是昨天的瘾君子的脸已经不是今天的瘾君子了。比以往任何时候都多的年轻人在吸食大麻,吸食大麻,甚至吸烟。今天,他们在街上买海洛因的时候,他们的钱花得更值。其中一个原因是:在街头,这种毒品的纯度是有史以来最高的,这意味着使用者不必使用针头将毒品注射到静脉中。吸食海洛因的新能力比以往任何时候都吸引着更多的年轻人去尝试。 Back in the 60s and 70s, heroin users primarily injected the drug into their bloodstream. The next generation of heroin users do not have to use needles to get high on heroin. Smoking it or snorting it is more appealing to younger and first-time users by eliminating the fear of needles and syringe-associated diseases such as HIV, AIDS and hepatitis -- not to mention the stigma associated with the stereotypical "junkie" who "shoots up" the drug. Another reason heroin use is on the rise, according to James Hall, an epidemiologist for Up Front Drug Information Center in Miami, Florida is because prescription drug abuse is on the rise. "Young people who try prescription narcotic opiate drugs and like the effects of those drugs are turning to heroin because it packs a similar, yet more powerful punch than prescription narcotic opiates," Hall says. "That's why prescription drug abuse is becoming a stepping stone to first time heroin users." Program Objectives: This program discusses, among other things, the following: Learn about the different types of heroin being peddled on the streets of America. Learn how heroine affects the users. Hear first person accounts about heroin use from a former users. Explore heroin trafficking trends and methods of delivery of the drug into the U.S. Find out how the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office broke a major heroin trafficking ring that was selling the drug to young people in the affluent suburb of Scottsdale, Arizona. Panelists: TBA. Sponsors: This program is sponsored the Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT) with the technical support of the Satellite Education Network (SEN) at Ft. Lee, VA. Public domain video.