

吸毒与心理健康;目标受众声明:本计划的主要目标受众将包括执法官员、毒品预防专家、无毒品社区法案的受助人、行政人员、学校毒品咨询师、治疗提供者、毒品法庭成员、政策制定者、商界领袖、联盟志愿者、减少毒品需求协调员、刑事司法专业人员、宗教社区成员和其他可能感兴趣的社区伙伴。这个节目也适用于公共电视频道。项目概要和目标:“今天,数百万美国人因精神或药物使用问题和疾病而接受医疗保健。这些疾病是导beplay手机app下载致妇女残疾和死亡的主要原因,也是导致男子残疾和死亡的第二大原因。”"提高精神和药物使用疾病的保健质量",医学研究所报告,2005年11月1日;beplay手机app下载研究显示出一个令人担忧的趋势,与吸毒有关的精神疾病事件正在上升。目前还不清楚是什么先导致了吸毒,是精神疾病的倾向导致了吸毒,还是反过来?无论如何,同时发生的疾病都是一个问题。特别是在今年的飓风和其他灾难之后,心理健康和药物滥用专业人员需要做好准备,为那些遭受严重精神创伤和可能因此转向酒精和药物的人提供额外的护理。 During this hour-long broadcast, hear from treatment providers about the delicate balance between treating a person's addiction and his or her mental illness. We'll also learn about the stigma attached to mental illness and how coalitions can help fight it. Hear from representatives of the American Psychiatric Association about the group's advocacy of comprehensive and non-discriminatory health insurance coverage of mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Learning Objectives: Define co-occurring disorders; Learn about the difficulty treating co-occurring disorders; Discover solutions to the problems both communities and patients face; See how community-based organizations can help improve the local climate to assist those in recovery from substance use disorders and mental health problems; Panelists: Patricia Ordorica, MD - Associate Chief of Staff, Mental Health & Behavioral Sciences Central, James A. Haley Veterans Administration Hospital; Associate Professor Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, University of South Florida College of Medicine; Director Addictive Disorders Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Univ. of South Florida College of Medicine. Deirdre Forbes - Intake Coordinator for Madison East, part of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Ms. Forbes is in recovery from a co-occurring disorder. SAMHSA Representative - TBA Hosted by: Mary E. Larson, Vice President of Communications and Membership for CADCA This program is made possible through a partnership with the Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training (MCTFT) Program at St. Petersburg College, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) and the Florida National Guard, with the technical support of the Satellite Education Network (SEN) at Ft. Lee, VA. Public domain video.