

那可拿新生命排毒计划在学生中取得了惊人的进步,他们始终报告:-思维更清晰的能力。-提高记忆力和注意力。-更大的能量。-增强对周围环境的意识。-增加总体幸福感。-减轻或消除与药物成瘾有关的许多症状,包括抑郁、易怒和疲劳。-对生活充满热情。有了那可拿药物康复计划,稳定的康复是可以实现的!一旦克服了身体上的渴望,通过那可拿新生命排毒计划,学生发展生活技能,将有助于维持一个富有成效的,无毒的生活。在那可拿,培养一种现实可行的个人道德感和责任感是这种复苏的重要组成部分。 Personal addiction can be ended! Our statistics at narconon show that the majority of our narconon graduates have achieved this freedom. Narconon is a network of drug and alcohol treatment facilities located throughout the world. Narconon graduates go on to do very well in life. The skills they learn at narconon will help them lead happy healthy lives. If you or someone you know abuses OTC medication please call narconon at 1-877-413-3073 or visit narconon on the web at http://www.drugsno.com http://www.drugsno.com/addiction.htm